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Poor Kids


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This family has the right to name their child anything they wish. The local grocery store has the right to deny service to anybody they wish. If they aren't being singled out by the government and/or state it isn't discrimination. It is exclusion. There is a difference.

My opinion... Don't name your child fucked up names and expect everyone to sing along during his birthday party. You have the right and so does the grocery store. Stop being a pain in the ass and make your own goddamn cake for the lad. Instill some decent' date=' self sufficing family values instead of calling the news when you can't get a fucking cake made.[/quote']

I guess let me get back to the point at hand, and say that if I were to comment of this story, I would just be typing this whole thing over again.


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This family has the right to name their child anything they wish. The local grocery store has the right to deny service to anybody they wish. If they aren't being singled out by the government and/or state it isn't discrimination. It is exclusion. There is a difference.

My opinion... Don't name your child fucked up names and expect everyone to sing along during his birthday party. You have the right and so does the grocery store. Stop being a pain in the ass and make your own goddamn cake for the lad. Instill some decent' date=' self sufficing family values instead of calling the news when you can't get a fucking cake made.[/quote']

Couldn't agree more.

So, it this the dad or mom?


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How about the 1st amendment?

Freedom of speech? Do you see him on the news yelling "fuck the Jews"? No. Of course not. He obviously doesn't have the balls to do such. Show me where the 1st amendment says an idiot can destroy the lives of his children.

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I don't think it will destroy the life of a child, but it's real f'n ignorant to name your child/children such names.

The way these idiots went about naming their kids is WRONG. I'm not hating on them, don't know if they are suppremicists or klan or something, doesn't matter. Obviously, they like Hitler, and probably what he stood for, that's great:rolleyes:, but don't push it on you're kids. Like someone said name the boy Adolf, alone not give him five names. "Adolf Campbell" is a nice name and would have shown their support of the guy.

I like great big fireworks and loud booms and big guns (who doesn't?). That being said my youngest boy is named "Cannon Lee Clark". Simple and to the point. I don't think it's obnoxious, some might. I could have named him "Big Fuckin Bang Lee Clark, Ten Inch Mortar Lee Clark, I Like Big Titties Lee Clark", but I did not. (Ikinda like the last one, too bad the wifeys sewed up) People just need to have some common sense when naming children.

Edited by jeremygsxr
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Freedom of speech? Do you see him on the news yelling "fuck the Jews"? No. Of course not. He obviously doesn't have the balls to do such. Show me where the 1st amendment says an idiot can destroy the lives of his children.

You want the government to get involved with the naming of children?

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Prior to World War Two and "The Nazis" with their reversed swastika, the original swastika was a good luck symbol among cultures new and old all over the world. That's right, the swastika originally went the other way, and Germany reversed it. Finland did too (blue instead of black). The symbol has strong ancient Hittite and Iranian roots. It predates even the Star of David.

Biplane fighter aircraft on both sides of World War One, could be found with original swastikas for good luck, painted on their aircraft.

And here's the kicker: the US Army 45th Infantry Division prior to World War Two:


Supposedly the original swastika is good luck symbol, the reverse swastika is reportedly a bad luck symbol. But truthfully, both left hand and right hand symbols have been accidentally reversed so many times, it's hard to say what was used where and why. Many of the stories about the same have been reversed also. But basically The Nazis ruined a perfectly good symbol, that even Charlie Manson knows should be tattooed directly onto the forehead.

Main reference:Western use of the Swastika in the early 20th century


Back on subject, Adolph is a fine name, for anyone not living in a country that was Axis invaded and occupied or defensively fought in World War Two, or was invaded and occupied by the Allied response. That doesn't leave much, maybe Argentina.

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Are we talking about naming the kids? Bc I don't think thats a big deal....stupid yes but they can go by something else until they are old enough to change it. I think the real problem is fucktards like these people are reproducing and teaching their kids this racist shit. Hopefully, these kids will grow up to be strong, tolerant individuals and see through their parents propoganda...unlikely...but you never know. :dunno:

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You want the government to get involved with the naming of children?

No. I think humans should be genetically altered, missing one chromosome, so that they naturally cannot reproduce. In order to have children, the parents must take parenting classes and pass the exams at the end. Then, only after passing the exam, the chromosome is administered to the couple allowing them to breed. We do this for driving, and driving in no way could create the anti-Christ. Breeding on the other hand, most just shouldn't be able to do it. If I were a mad scientist and took over the world, this is the very first thing I'd put in place.

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I'd support "breeding laws" for humans on gubment support...today!....we do have to watch it are genetics are getting screwed with all the meds.there is nothing to prevent bad genes anymore......were getting too dependent

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