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Stunt Man Shot

Kevin R.

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Has anyone ever done one of these or any other weird shots? Was doin' em all last night for free Patrón. My eye is fucked up, lol.


If you don't know what it is....you snort a line of salt...take the shot...then designate a lucky individual to squeeze lemon or lime juice in your eye (lime, although not expected, hurts 10x worse than lemon). Good way to get people to buy you free expensive ass shots if you explain it to em' cuz people love squeezing lemons into peoples eyes I guess.





We also did some Zanbuka (sp?) vaporizer where you light the shit on fire and the glass sticks to your hand then smell the fumes and drink it...but that shit is nasty.


Any other weird shit like this out there? Some of them are fun/entertaining.


/worthless Friday thread

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Flaming Dr. Peppers.

3/4 shot amaretto almond liqueur

1/4 oz 151 proof rum

1/2 glass beer

1. Fill a shot glass about 3/4 full with amaretto and top it off with enough 151 proof rum to be able to burn.

2. Place the shot glass in another glass and fill the outer glass with beer (right up to the level of the shot glass).

3. Ignite the amaretto/151 and let it burn for a while. Blow it out (or leave it burning if you're brave - not recommended) and slam it. Tastes just like Dr. Pepper.


Better way is get a mug fill it with draft beer (carbnation helps) then fill the shot glass light the shot on fire drop it in the mug and chug, Man way to drink it,

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I'm in tears right now... :lol:


I've only done a shot of 151 lit on fire before. Nothing special.


I would post the video...kinda funny...but it is off a cell phone and I don't know if that format can be posted online.

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Flaming Dr. Peppers.

3/4 shot amaretto almond liqueur

1/4 oz 151 proof rum

1/2 glass beer

1. Fill a shot glass about 3/4 full with amaretto and top it off with enough 151 proof rum to be able to burn.

2. Place the shot glass in another glass and fill the outer glass with beer (right up to the level of the shot glass).

3. Ignite the amaretto/151 and let it burn for a while. Blow it out (or leave it burning if you're brave - not recommended) and slam it. Tastes just like Dr. Pepper.


Better way is get a mug fill it with draft beer (carbnation helps) then fill the shot glass light the shot on fire drop it in the mug and chug, Man way to drink it,


Sounds oddly good. I have heard of people drinking them while burning and fucking themselves up....

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Sounds oddly good. I have heard of people drinking them while burning and fucking themselves up....


Thats why you drop it in the beer, the beer put the flame out, dont blow the flame out if your drunk, youll set the bar on fire, Ive done it, actually the 151 just was burning on the bar top noo biggie.

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Thats why you drop it in the beer, the beer put the flame out, dont blow the flame out if your drunk, youll set the bar on fire, Ive done it, actually the 151 just was burning on the bar top noo biggie.


I fucking despise 151 though. :barf:

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I LOVE PATRON, no salt, no lemon, PERIOD. But I sure as hell don't love it enough to let someone pour citric acid in the form of an oil in my eye for a free shot.



Sambuca: Sam*Bew* ka is an Italian aniseed-flavored (black licorice), usually colorless liqueur.


In Italy it is common to serve neat Sambuca with some floating coffee beans dropped on it: it is called Sambuca con mosca (literally, "Sambuca with flies"). The beans are there as an ornament, but they can be "roasted" by lighting the fumes of the alcohol for 30 or so seconds..

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I LOVE PATRON, no salt, no lemon, PERIOD. But I sure as hell don't love it enough to let someone pour citric acid in the form of an oil in my eye for a free shot.



Sambuca: Sam*Bew* ka is an Italian aniseed-flavored (black licorice), usually colorless liqueur.


In Italy it is common to serve neat Sambuca with some floating coffee beans dropped on it: it is called Sambuca con mosca (literally, "Sambuca with flies"). The beans are there as an ornament, but they can be "roasted" by lighting the fumes of the alcohol for 30 or so seconds..


Haha. To tell you the truth for free shots of it the lemon wasn't that bad. But I mean...broke college student ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Yeah, that was it. Black licorice flavor. I just hate the flavor of it....

Thanks for the info.

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I LOVE PATRON, no salt, no lemon, PERIOD. But I sure as hell don't love it enough to let someone pour citric acid in the form of an oil in my eye for a free shot.



Sambuca: Sam*Bew* ka is an Italian aniseed-flavored (black licorice), usually colorless liqueur.


In Italy it is common to serve neat Sambuca with some floating coffee beans dropped on it: it is called Sambuca con mosca (literally, "Sambuca with flies"). The beans are there as an ornament, but they can be "roasted" by lighting the fumes of the alcohol for 30 or so seconds..


Good man...I was about to post the same.


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Here is my buddy doin' it BTW. Turn the sound down...really annoying cell phone recording of the loud ass music and obnoxious bar people laughing.


He was kind of a bitch about it. :p




No thanks.


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Lucifer's Lane recipe:


1/2 oz Everclear® alcohol

1 oz Bacardi® 151 rum

1 oz Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky

1 1/2 oz Jose Cuervo® Especial gold tequila

1 oz Romana® white sambuca

1 oz Devil Springs® vodka

1 1/2 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur


That sounds like the worst thing imaginable. I think someone just made it up as there is a slim chancing of putting down 7 1/2 shots in one glass of that all mixed up. :eek:

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Lucifer's Lane recipe:


1/2 oz Everclear® alcohol

1 oz Bacardi® 151 rum

1 oz Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky

1 1/2 oz Jose Cuervo® Especial gold tequila

1 oz Romana® white sambuca

1 oz Devil Springs® vodka

1 1/2 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur


Now that is a drink I would like to have.


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Google "Lucifer's Lane recipe" and you will find it on at least 6 different recipe websites.


Oh I don't doubt it....I just don't know who the hell would order such a thing.


"Hey! Bartender! Mix me a bunch of shit together in a glass. Here...here...I'll close my eyes and point to random liquors then you pour...WOOOOO!!!!"


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