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My bathroom remodel (lots o' pics)

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I've been having a bit of a leaky plumbing issue with installing the new faucet that has delayed getting this project finished. Hopefully will have that resolved tomorrow and then on to paint and tile.


Definitely don't forget about us "Tool Man". Then give us a list of things NOT to do!!


Just kidding. Love the pics and watching the work.

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ok, so a possible newb question..


Why doesnt the wet backer go in before the bathtub? and why doesnt it go all th way to the floor?


Im jealous. I want to do stuff like this, but it would take me a month to do and my husband would murder me.

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The HardieBacker is only used as a barrier & method to create structural rigidity for the tile. You tile up to the top of the tub where you add a bead of caulk/sealer between the tile & the tub.


Hope that kinda answers that one. Happy to answer any other questions as well (not that I have ton of experience with this stuff, just dove in after doing a bunch of research ahead of time).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Much more progress!


After some plumbing issues and going back to work last week, I'm making some headway again. The plan is to have everything finished up this weekend.


Finally got the upstairs plumbing issues taken care of only to find that I needed to shorten the tub drain about 2" as well (after losing a nice amount of water after the inaugural bath).




My new drain installed





All the HardieBacker installed



Walls primered




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Spot from the old light over the vanity



Working on the tile tonight (sorry about the boxer shot)







This stuff is messy


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Damn bar code stickers on the back of every tile



Making some progress





My buddy Shannon hard at work




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Can we take a break yet?



New light fixture installed



End of the first tile day = 25 lbs of mortar


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Finished the back wall and made some cut-outs for the side walls (more pics to be posted tomorrow)





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looks good.. make sure to wipe that mortar (thinset) off the tile as soon as possible or it will be a bitch..

same goes with if you have any on the walls were you will be painting

progress looks nice

im not a fan of 12x12 in a shower personally but still looks very good

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Thanks guys. Just got back from picking up the last little few things we needed at Ikea and Lowes.


I got the light at Home Depot and I'm pretty sure it was around $80 and it's 24" long. They also have a 4-light version as well that is a bit more $ and wider obviously.


We're going to try and wrap up the shower title tomorrow and start/finish? the floor tile.

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Yeah, but you were here for all the fun part...the demolition. The wall tile isn't so fun. The floor tile should go much quicker since the mortar doesn't have to stick to a vertical surface.


Progress from today which was kinda slow-going with all the cuts we had to make. Planning to wrap up the wall tile tomorrow.


Got one end wall completely done









Working on the niches. This took a while due to all the cuts we had to make.







Got them all done, just have a few more small trim pieces to complete the face of this section and a couple of courses of tile to complete this whole wall.

Notice the joints in the niches follow along with the main walls.


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Finished up the walls finally after two days of getting the niches completed.






Laid out the HardieBacker on the floors tonight and plan on working on the floor tile a bit tomorrow before the Van Halen concert (I plan on driving over 55mph)


The tile doesn't go all the way to the floor because we are doing a 4" tile baseboard all the way around the room as well.












More to come tomorrow.


Thanks for all the comments so far, this has been a lengthy project, but I think it'll pay off quite well in the end.

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im with hoblick about the 12x12's. it makes the shower look small (to me)...but you know what, its not my shower, and i'll never see it, so it doesnt matter what i think


it does look good though. the color looks good and it looks like you took your time to make sure everything was lined up right, which makes it look much better than just slapping it up there.

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They're actually 13x13 tiles, but I appreciate the opinions. We debated about smaller tile for the shower, but the tile we bought was marked down so much ($.68/sq ft), it was really hard to pass it up. We bought enough tile to do this bathroom project, tile the kitchen floor and the entry way to the house and it was around $175 for all of that. Not that cost was a huge factor, but if you can get products for such a good price, might as well.
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