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Vista has finally matured(more)

Mr. Jones

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Do you know if I'm screwed if I update to SP1, as I'm running the Time Stopper crack (basically a program that stops the 30 day countdown, but does it via Vista, not the crappy BIOS changing ways of doing it).


If I have another way around it (without a re-install), I'll go SP1 today. :)

I would wait until there's a confirmed crack for SP1. I believe MS is going to leave that trick in Vista, BUT it'll run with some features shut off.

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I tend to think it's more a problem with the Logitech drivers... the camera didn't work with XP64 either, but everything else in the system (video, sound, TV tuner, scanner, 2x printers, etc) works fine in both versions, with or without PAE enabled. Only the cam has a problem.

Yup... drivers FTL.... Went and de-installed everything this evening (somehow the blasted thing loaded both 32bit and 64bit drivers, then loaded the 32's), and between that cleansing and installing SP1, then installing only the 64's, the thing works properly now.


Lesson learned? People can't write drivers for shit.

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Stop whining and get to formatting. Fresh install then SP1 !


That is what I did, still getting shit to work, I'm pissed because I formatted and now I have to erase my iPhone and apple TV to sync it with the new iTunes then reload those things. Seriously I just need to bite the bullet and buy a iMac and a Time Capsule and never have to spend all day doing this shit ever again.


So should I even try to get my Logitech Quick Cam Orbit (Web Cam) to work with this shit or just say forget it?

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That is what I did, still getting shit to work, I'm pissed because I formatted and now I have to erase my iPhone and apple TV to sync it with the new iTunes then reload those things. Seriously I just need to bite the bullet and buy a iMac and a Time Capsule and never have to spend all day doing this shit ever again.


So should I even try to get my Logitech Quick Cam Orbit (Web Cam) to work with this shit or just say forget it?


Just go MAC so we don't have to hear your whining anymore. :mad:

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That is what I did, still getting shit to work, I'm pissed because I formatted and now I have to erase my iPhone and apple TV to sync it with the new iTunes then reload those things. Seriously I just need to bite the bullet and buy a iMac and a Time Capsule and never have to spend all day doing this shit ever again.


So should I even try to get my Logitech Quick Cam Orbit (Web Cam) to work with this shit or just say forget it?

Shit, I forgot. Fuck iTunes too. What a POS piece of software.

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Thought I'd share with all of the nerds that vista SP1 = Teh Roxors.

(especially if you have ati cards (crossfire even better).

The "beta 8.4s" aka 8.3 hotfix drivers + Vista SP2 = better than xp by a mile.

And they even sped up disk throughput and various other tweaks. Patched vista runs like a raped ape now instead of a gimped pygmy goat.




Thanks for the updates, I've been debating on loading VISTA on my laptop but after seeing that I needed 4gigs for my pc to run it at what I considered smooth I had held off.


Time to patch I guesse.

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Shit, I forgot. Fuck iTunes too. What a POS piece of software.


Sure when you own no mac products, It's fucking tits if you own mac stuff, Why do you hate everything that actually is a quality product? I guess someone has to buy shit to keep competitors in business. :p iTunes is the largest distributer of music today, they just passed Walmart, movies are next. :o

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Sure when you own no mac products, It's fucking tits if you own mac stuff, Why do you hate everything that actually is a quality product? I guess someone has to buy shit to keep competitors in business. :p iTunes is the largest distributer of music today, they just passed Walmart, movies are next. :o

1 - I don't buy music. I'm not talking about the iTunes store, I'm talking about the shitty software


2 - I'm not talking about how the software interacts with an OS (be it Windows, Mac based OS, Linux, etc.). I'm talking about how that crappy software actually interacts with the iPod, how you have to do stupid shit to d/l from your iPod onto the PC, etc. I hate using that software. I've never had any issues with iTunes under XP or Vista, other than the software itself blowing goats.

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Sure when you own no mac products, It's fucking tits if you own mac stuff, Why do you hate everything that actually is a quality product? I guess someone has to buy shit to keep competitors in business. :p iTunes is the largest distributer of music today, they just passed Walmart, movies are next. :o


The Backstreet Boys sold a lot of albums, that doesn't mean they're not utter shit.


Mac = fail.



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