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270 and cops....seriously, WTH!!


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Unless I'm misunderstanding you, larger rims will have the opposite affect. For example, your speedo says 70 but you're really doing 75.


Here, try this. I used to have a better one, but can't find it. Works the same, though.





Well my tires are 2 inches wider then stock. On top of that they are a bit wider. Your link calculated 65 = 69 mph. My speedo must be broke. I checked with 2 different GPS devices and they were both showing me going slower then what my speedo said.

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That is their defense, but it's BS. They are to have park lights on at least, but.....



They do not have to have their lights on. They have to be visible... their paint is deemed reflective enough to be visible

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Police in Ohio don't hide. Try Indiana where Linn's car with some lights behind the grill and on the sunvisor might pull you over. Try Michigan where Sam's TB would pull out from the trees along the freeway or from behind the bridge and write you up. I was thankful to come here and have it so much easier. I will take fully visible and marked cars in quantity over slick top or hidden cars here and there any day of the week. (Also makes it harder for impersonators to exist. BIG problem when I lived in Michigan was rapist, car jackers, kidnappers, etc. pulling people over. Got bad enough the cops told everyone to slow down and use blinkers till they got to the next gas station instead of pulling over.)


The cops here hide, they just have to be visible at some angle. The splits he's referring to are where the center wall widens out leaving enough room for a car to hide, you can't seem them until your past them but they are visible.


I agree about other states, in that state up north those fuckers hide in the bushes, at night, with no lights on in UC cars!! Other states have various vehicles to chase you with like Z06 Vettes in Texas!!

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The cops here hide, they just have to be visible at some angle. The splits he's referring to are where the center wall widens out leaving enough room for a car to hide, you can't seem them until your past them but they are visible.


I agree about other states, in that state up north those fuckers hide in the bushes, at night, with no lights on in UC cars!! Other states have various vehicles to chase you with like Z06 Vettes in Texas!!


all true. All day everyday out near dublin.

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Police in Ohio don't hide. Try Indiana where Linn's car with some lights behind the grill and on the sunvisor might pull you over. Try Michigan where Sam's TB would pull out from the trees along the freeway or from behind the bridge and write you up. I was thankful to come here and have it so much easier. I will take fully visible and marked cars in quantity over slick top or hidden cars here and there any day of the week. (Also makes it harder for impersonators to exist. BIG problem when I lived in Michigan was rapist, car jackers, kidnappers, etc. pulling people over. Got bad enough the cops told everyone to slow down and use blinkers till they got to the next gas station instead of pulling over.)


You aint kidding borther!! On my way to and from Purdue they have task forces (8-10 cruisers) hidding behind the splits and 2-3 cars clocking during move in weeks. Indiana cops are down right stealthy.

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GPS units are going to have an error of +/-2 MPH at any given time for the best store bought units. That is if your going in a true straight line with no change in altitude as well. If you through a turn, slight hill or any of that in the mix then they get less accurate. Thats also assuming your receiving a couple of the WAAS satellites and a couple more of the older ones and they are evenly spaced across your sky at the time of recording.



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I saw a shitload of Westerville cops out today too. I was following one on Countyline RD and there was one ahead parked behind a sign and shot me with laser(detector went off), I wasn't speeding, as I had the little one with me. The cop in front of me was doing the limit, like I am going to speed and pass a cop, what a wanker he was (the other cop that shot me!)
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Was cruising along today by the 270/670 split not paying attention to my speed. See the trooper in the median spot a little late, and of course tap my brake. I'm not sure how fast I was going, but assumed it was probably faster than 65mph. One minute later I see the blue and reds, and I start to pull over to the right lane. Cop flies right by me on his way somewhere else. I thought I was ticketed for sure.
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OHP was on 270 in Hilliard in force on Sunday night. I got pulled over for a "lane violation" after I was stupid enough to dig my ringing phone out of my pocket on my way home from playing pool.


20 minutes, and the full regimen of field sobriety tests, later I was bid a "good evening" and handed my license and registration back. I then found out that it was my step-son calling to tell me there were 3 OHP on the side of the road pulling people over. Jack-ass!

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I could be wrong, but I find 72-74 mph perfectly fine. I don't think a cop is going to bother you in that range unless you're tailing someone or weaving. Hell, half the people around me at 74mph are going 80mph up and that's just crying out for a cop to come out of hiding. I've never been stopped for that range anyway.


Cops still out in force today. I saw no less than 6 between 23 and Tuttle not an hour ago. I ususally go 9 over and went right through two traps at 74 in a 65. They didn't even look at me... :)
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It's weird, but I haven't seen one cop yet from Hilliard-Rome to downtown yesterday and today. Heck, I was even on 315 from Lane to downtown and 71 from downtown to Hudson yesterday and it's been all-clear.
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Cops still out in force today. I saw no less than 6 between 23 and Tuttle not an hour ago. I ususally go 9 over and went right through two traps at 74 in a 65. They didn't even look at me... :)



Well, that's my route, so i'll see them here soon.

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