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Ok, this is creepy


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After Jesus was resurrected He appeared to His followers on several occasions. There were a couple of times when they didn't recognize Him until He chose to let them recognize Him.

This make me think that Jesus is more than capable of changing His appearance to accommodate the situation.


Therefore, Jesus is a shape shifter!


Seriously, though, that's not Jebus. It's the "Nuge".

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I almost posted this earlier this morning. The only thing that looked fishy was that every picture had the same 2-3 white light reflections, even though the pics were from different phones, almost like the image was being projected onto the window.
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"...this date marks the end of the long count of their calendar; Set to end on a winter solstice (12-21-12). On this date, our Solar system will be center aligned , in the Milky Way's equator. Our sun will be centered in a position called "The Tree of Life", as it does every 25,800 years. We will have exited the forth dimension and entered the fifth dimension. This date also marks the end of the Mayan "Great Cycle" of the long count, which is equivalent to 5125 years. We exit the age of Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius.


In this position, unusually violent sun spot activity may cause a pole shift. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods will run ramped. Significant loss of life will occur. Earths magnetic field will temporarily collapse. Humans will be exposed to a cosmic energy that will facilitate enlightenment. In this state of higher consciousness, we will recognize that all matter, plant, animal, mineral are bound as one. This realization will mark the end of wars for a time. People will be able to connect to the essence of god (vibrating energy) like only the most enlightened can.


The date marks a goal to be reached. Evil forces will make every effort to keep humanity from reaching the date. These evil forces are those entrenched in the third dimension, in the Material world. They have no desire to leave this age and wish to continue exploiting and endangering all life for material gain.


Wars just prior to this date could be most devastating, with a loss of as much as 2/3 of our population anticipated. The resulting man made environmental damage could make life inhospitable for those who survive.


Humans have freewill, Man's future is not set yet, nor predictable:



:eek: Its a good thing I have a helmet!

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In the second picture you clearly see a guy (looking fairly like jesus) holding a kid. I would guess thats not the only picture of the big J around that are. Maybe a reflection from that or another picture in that room?... Thanks CSI!
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