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I never post about my personal life but.....


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I just wanted to update......


She has decided that she does want to stay together and get married.


I just have to point out something. The way you wrote this, it seem's like she's got you on a string. As in, 'she said everythings cool so everythings cool and we're all good again' but its all based on her feelings? WTF? what about you? what if she does this again and put's your emotion's through the ringer again just because she's "not sure"? I know you love her and will do anything for her but where do you draw the line?

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Haha most of you ain't even old enough or mature enough to know that with women its always about "their feelings" and thats pretty much it. We're men damn it we don't have feelings anyway. Basically they know we want pussy and will get it were we can so they play games and shit until we're whipped or tired of it and move to easier pussy. Thats at least the way it always has worked.


I say if the dude wants to stay with her and she wants to stay with him at the moment then its the end of the thread. Sure we might hear about it again in a few months/years, but maybe not. She is coming to the age were she'll probably be fine for a long time before having female mental problems again.



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I've been so alone for so long

Forgotten by the world

Forgotten to myself

Your effervescent eyes have awakened me

And brushed the dust away

But I knew you'd never stay


So I memorized the color of your eyes as I lost myself inside you

And I memorized the way our legs entwined as I drifted off beside you


I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you


At night I cling to you, I'm so afraid

Afraid the day will come

And I'll wake and find you gone

But you promised that you'd not abandon me

And kissed my fears away

But I woke up to that day


But I had memorized the way our eyes

would meet reflected in the bathroom mirror

And I memorized your naked silhouette as you slowly brushed your hair

I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you


I've been so alone for so long

I forgot how much it hurts

To wake up so alone


But I memorized how warm your body felt

as you lay half asleep beside me

And I memorized the way the sunlight

filled the room and played upon your body


I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you

I miss

God I miss

Waking up beside you




Get out now, or you will later and it will be expensive. If you think a wedding is expensive, wait until you get divorced.

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You and her are young and things happen , both good and bad. Give her time to see what happens . From my experience , and this is going to sound harsh but when someone says they want to take a break , it is usually the beginning of the end.
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bottlefedfcus if you don't like/want half your stuff give it to me :slap: because a lot of these guys make very valid points.....I'll spare you the majority of my story, but she was 20 and I was 22 when we got married and 3 years later it ended in a ugly drawn out divorce, so keep this in mind: it doesn't matter what she says or tells you, its how she feels and you'll never know what she's feeling, she's only gonna tell you what you wanna here, if your gonna go through with it be smart about it, one word: prenup
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Dude 20 is young to get married, I mean it can work but you guys still have not gone through the parting stage of life which everyone goes through when they hit 21-26. Once you are about 26 things tend to slow down and come back to reality. But those 5 yrs before you will wanna do alot of stuff that single people would want to do. Not saying you should peace the hell out but I am saying that that is kinda young to be in such a big commitment. I would postpone the marriage and continue to date a few more yrs and see where it is then and if then you feel like it is marriage time then go for it, if not go your seperate ways and have fun and enjoy life, you only get one of them.
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