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AutoX School 5/3;Race 5/4 @ OSU

Dr. Apex

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7-9AM Registration Check-in

7:30-9AM Course Open for Walking

7-9:10AM Tech Inspection open

8:30-9AM Course Walk & Meeting

9:10-9:30AM Mandatory Driver's Meeting

9:35AM First Car on Course


Cliff's: $45.00


Is this still accurate? 7AM start? Not a prob just making sure before I am the only one there at 7'oclock sharp or should I wait until 8 as I wouldn't know what to walk until the group does it at 8:30?


Also found this on ovr-scca page for anyone else that may be new:


What to Bring

In addition to your car you should start gathering and preparing the following:


Sun screen



Folding chair

Electrical tape (to make numbers!)

Helmet (Snell 95 or newer) if you have one. We have loaners if you don’t

Chalk (used to mark your tires)

Fill your tires up to the max inflation level (This keeps your tires on the rim in hard corners. If you fill to max, you can always let some out if needed)

Clean out your car and trunk. Nothing can be loose or roll around inside. ( I used to carry a plastic bin to put my CD’s and sunscreen in)

Make sure your battery and spare tire are anchored down in the car.

Tire Pressure Gauge

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If you don't need to change tires or anything, 7 am could be a little early. You'll definitely want to get there early enough to check in, get your car in order (remove spare tire and other junk, put numbers on, etc) and walk the course a few times by yourself. Probably 7:45 to 8:00 would be perfectly fine. I usually show up as early as I can, as I would rather have too much time, then be rushed.


Edit - I usually have a duffel bag full of stuff (clothing options for the day, some food, sunscreen, etc). Since it will be raining, you may want to bring a large trash bag to keep things like a duffel bag dry while you are running.

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Is this still accurate? 7AM start? Not a prob just making sure before I am the only one there at 7'oclock sharp or should I wait until 8 as I wouldn't know what to walk until the group does it at 8:30?


Also found this on ovr-scca page for anyone else that may be new:


What to Bring

In addition to your car you should start gathering and preparing the following:


Sun screen



Folding chair

Electrical tape (to make numbers!)

Helmet (Snell 95 or newer) if you have one. We have loaners if you don’t

Chalk (used to mark your tires)

Fill your tires up to the max inflation level (This keeps your tires on the rim in hard corners. If you fill to max, you can always let some out if needed)

Clean out your car and trunk. Nothing can be loose or roll around inside. ( I used to carry a plastic bin to put my CD’s and sunscreen in)

Make sure your battery and spare tire are anchored down in the car.

Tire Pressure Gauge


Don't use electrical tape for your numbers. That will almost certainly make a mess. Use painter's tape.

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You shouldn't need numbers but it won't hurt to have them.


side note: I started a new thread in the Passing Lane about Cooper Stadium being sold today which very well could affect us, but it looks promising.

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I thought the school was at the ackerman lot? Which btw is where on ackerman?


You're correct. The OVR just has some other events planned at the Coop. The buckeye lots are located at the intersection of 315 and Ackerman. You can see the lots from the highway.

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Andrew, what ^ he said. You can't miss it if going north on 315, it's right against the freeway at Ackerman rd.


I only mentioned Cooper because it is one of the primary places we race and it will affect us. As of this year it won't mean anything yet.

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Packing the car up and staying the night in C-bus tonight. I believe a few of us maybe going to H00ters later on. I'll check back on here or pm your number if anyone wants to meet up.



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Fanfukintastic today!! Weather was perfect!! Good track and good times.


AJ, your doing damn good so far, some fine tuning and you'll be really moving.


Joe, DSP or SM and you've got some tough competition, you could really use a 2.5l, really smooth driving though.


Gray, not being mean but I though I'd see more from the Duster today. Were you having any issues? I was surprised I beat your time.

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Yeah, awesome course today. Definitely suited the miata a lot more than PE#1. My first two runs were decent, then my last three I dropped about a second each time. I know one or two more runs could have easily brought me into the 42's or lower. Oh well, at least I'm seeing improvement.


Grayson, you owe me a $2 tire pressure gauge, haha. I completely forgot about it until I was in the grid.

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