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The Alaska Experiment


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These people are soooo going to get ass raped by a polar bear. :lol:


-Fat bitch is about dead from the hike to the cabin

-Black guy looked like he blasted himself in the eyeball with the scope from his rifle.

-His group is already lost.



This is going to be great. :cool:

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i saw like 4 minutes of it before i realized DEA was on Spike. I'd love to do this too, how long is the experiment? a week? a few days? I didnt get the whole synopsis.


4 different groups of people. Dropped off in the middle of nowhere. Given directions to a cabin/tent. Given very limited food rations. Survive for 3 months on your own.


-2 fat girls are already eating through most of their rations. :lol:


-Asian chick thinks the cabin is 'fabulous' :lol:


-Black guy asked, 'where's the bathroom?' :lol:

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I just got done watching Deadliest Catch and watched this as well.


90 Days it looks like they'll be out there.


Yes Austin. LOLing at the fat chicks eating peanut butter as soon as they get in. (they're fucked).


I feel bad for the peeps who got the "tent". Fuck that. I'd want some wood surrounding me and not a fucking sheet.


Looks to be a decent show though. I wonder how many shows they will air.

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I would love to do this. I think it would be a blast.


The 2 girls and the dad are screwed


The 2 guys and the asian chick might do alright but I have a feeling they are going to have an argument at some point that will not end well.


The guy with the extreme hiking/ extreme marathon wife will do alright I think but he is already worn out.


The last group of the husband and wife. They didnt show much of them so I dont really know about them. They are stuck in an oversized oxygen tent though so I dont think that will go well for them.


These are just my first impressions so will see how things go. I plan on watching it from now on though pretty cool show.


Oh and yeah the black guy asking where the bathroom was made me laugh out loud. HAHA FAIL

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just watched it on DVR, I have got to agree the fat chicks have no hope. Pity on their poor dad. The tent dwelling kayakers and the couple have the best chance of surviving.


I would love to have the chance to do this.

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love this show! wish i could do it!


Hey man, meant to tell ya, I'm not gonna be able to make it Friday. Got school stuff. :(






Oh, and Fat Dude's Remmy 700 isn't even gonna be about to hit one of those mountains with as much as he's bumped that scope around.

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Hey man, meant to tell ya, I'm not gonna be able to make it Friday. Got school stuff. :(






Oh, and Fat Dude's Remmy 700 isn't even gonna be about to hit one of those mountains with as much as he's bumped that scope around.

thats cool! Well actually it sucks but you know what im getting to lol!


Yea no shit i think that if i had to live off of that gun i would be taking alot better care of it! Did you happen to catch the two fat ass sister eating all the peanut butter while the dad was out trying to catch some salmon lmfao!

Id kill them!

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This is sort of how my dad lives in northern Minnesota, anyway.


I watched, they are only getting food for their daily needs. The folks fishing haven't built a smoker so their little bit of extra fish is going to spoil.


No one is stockpiling enough fire wood. No one is hunting enough, and I don't think they are prepared for how cold it will be.


Put me in a tent and I will use it as a place to sleep when I am not building a little better house.

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