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Going Green


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Anyone interested in going green? What are you doing?


Other than replacing most of my lights with CF bulbs I have a few projects in the works.


I currently heat with Propane, but I am installing a Geo-Thermal system this summer. This will decrease my footprint from the fuel standpoint but increases my electric use.


I want to install a grid tied, solar/wind hybrid system. Just have to figure out who is going to pay for it. I did install solar landscaping lights and stopped running my porch lights.


I drive a pretty economical car and am a telecommuter so I don't have too much of a footprint there. I do fly alot but I fly with Delta and they have an offset program (planting trees).


I am planting loads of trees etc around my new house and have my eye on a rain-catchment system for irrigation. Also, MAKE just ran an article about grey water irrigation but since I am on a leach field I do evapo-transpiration anyway.


So, what is everyone else up to?

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Getting a heat pump will save some nice dough in the spring/fall.


And is it just me or did everyone in existence jump on the band wagon this year or what? The last thing i remember doing for any earth day was getting a tiny ass pine tree to plant in middle school.

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I somehow thought this was going to be something relating to the brothers Green.


We have slowly been replacing the bulbs at our house with florescent ones. Not because of the environment, fuck that, but because they last a long time and give off white light as opposed to yellow light.

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it's all Al Gore...he invented the Green movement you know......


Getting a heat pump will save some nice dough in the spring/fall.


And is it just me or did everyone in existence jump on the band wagon this year or what? The last thing i remember doing for any earth day was getting a tiny ass pine tree to plant in middle school.

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1. First mod on all cars: Remove Cat! *check

2. Ensure that all computer equipment has all power saving features turned off and overclock it until it turns into a power consuming inferno that runs 24x7 *check

3. Drive as agressive as possible to burn as much fuel as possible *check


I'm sure theres more I am not aware of at this moment, but I'll let you know if I find them!

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The refrigerant in my car is illegal and blows nice icy cold air, I have no catalytic converter, and the truck I drive when I'm not driving my car gets 14mpg......


Seriously though, I intern with a company that does quite a bit of work to help facilities save energy and pollute less, specifically regarding hvac. At home we use fluorescents where possible and do little else, although we do have a digital thermostat installed, to turn it back when nobody's home....

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I think going green is a crock of shit. Half of the stuff it requires uses more energy to produce than it saves.


Saying this is like saying purchasing a $2,000 machine to print your own money is a crock of shit. Srsly, srsly.


Although you did say "half" of the stuff, so I guess it's only half like saying that.

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Saying this is like saying purchasing a $2,000 machine to print your own money is a crock of shit. Srsly, srsly.


You should go buy a hybrid. It will produce less emissions and use less fuel, thus saving the environment. It is clearly a win win. Run off sheep.

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You should go buy a hybrid. It will produce less emissions and use less fuel, thus saving the environment. It is clearly a win win. Run off sheep.


I will go on record as saying I absolutely despise hybrids, for at least 5 separate and distinct reasons. One being the people who drive/buy them.


Please don't talk about hybrids.


Interesting note however: I almost got ran over by a prius backing up in a parking lot once, couldn't hear it at all.

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I never run cats on my non daily driver cars. I vent AC lines to the atmosphere, burn used tires at my friend's farm, have improperly disposed of oil, trans fluid and antifreeze but my sister's a vegetarian so it all balances out, right?:p
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I've been running the CF bulbs, recycling every piece of trash I can, unplugging unused appliances, and not turning on unnecessary lights.


I've considered converting a car to full electric, but right now my commute is too far for the batteries I could afford to use. So I'll just continue the turbo Sky project, which should increase my MPG...and make a lot more power.

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My wife and I are buying our first house tomorrow, and we are looking to go "green" on a few things. I know we are going to make a rain water collector this year and start using it. Of course if I really want to help, maybe I should fix that little anti-freeze leak on my XJ...
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Going "green" is a fucking sham. Carbon credits, LEED certification, fees, permits, global tax, tax, tax... It's just another thing for the government to relieve the tax burden from corporations and squeeze money out of the middle class, eventually destroying it.


This leaves the richest 1% who control millions of poor, peasant drones to work for them. By accepting this global warming/green bullshit, we are sealing our own fate. Think I'm crazy but look at fuel prices, food, globalization, ect: It's out of control.

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Going "green" is a fucking sham. Carbon credits, LEED certification, fees, permits, global tax, tax, tax... It's just another thing for the government to relieve the tax burden from corporations and squeeze money out of the middle class, eventually destroying it.


This leaves the richest 1% who control millions of poor, peasant drones to work for them. By accepting this global warming/green bullshit, we are sealing our own fate. Think I'm crazy but look at fuel prices, food, globalization, ect: It's out of control.


Okay, I don't think this thread is about the carbon credit/government incentive portion of "going green". It's pretty much undeniable fact that when you install things like fluorescent light bulbs, instantaneous water heaters, digital thermostats, room occupancy sensors, etc. etc. etc. that your initial investment is fairly quickly returned through lower energy consumption and longer functional product life. The same can be said for geothermal heating ( cool stuff ) and other things.


I don't think many people deny that some of the gov't regulations and incentives regarding "going green" are a little sketchy, but there are many obvious easy and effective ways the average joe can save some money and energy around the house.

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