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The power of the police - how much is too much?


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You guys are fucking ignorant as hell if you think we don't need cops, lol. Most of you wouldn't go do half the shit our police officers do even if you had 10 guns.


"Oh noes, cops carry scary guns in subways." But then following that sentence you say YOU should have the right to carry these guns?


How does that effect any person walking by? Unless you get scared of them. Most people who constantly bitch about shit like this are the ones who bitch when something goes wrong and then explain the 20 ways in which the country could have prevented it.


Now, I am all for CCW and everything that goes along with it. But, sarcastically or not, saying you guys could replace a police officer is fucking ignorant. Hell, we have police officers on this site and I am sure they would laugh at you.


BTW- all knowledgeable Kyle - You rarely hear about good shit because IT IS THE FUCKING NEWS. What else is on the news? You don't usually hear about cop saving lives. They are there to entertain you and you buy right into it.

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No amount of cops short of so many we have ZERO freedom will prevent a terror type attack.


I'd like to suggest that either


A) Bush's boys have done a super job of keeping us safe since 9/11




B) No terrorists (or other crazies) have attempted any assaults of any type since 9/11


I really like Bush and I got his back on anything to do with the military, but I think (B) is the correct answer. I've said before that I work all over town as a field service technician and that I go in 90% of the buildings in the Columbus metro area. I see no possibility that the current level of security we have at any building would protect us from any attack. Just yesterday I was waived through security at the state house (by highway patrol officers) without any checks. I protested and they said "We see you in and out all the time and your carrying tools." I did get them to check my stuff and felt better:-)


A real terror attack would be a van of guys with automatic weapons and explosives pulling up to a school. That would scare the shit out of the US people and theres nothing we can do about it.


Or hell I was waiting in line the other day at the county court house and thought to myself "There are hundreds of people here who could all die if a suicide bomber was in the crowd." Now that right there is scary. I was in line to get through the "Security check point."


That right there is the stuff that bothers me about all the "Homeland" security BS that we get fed. Someone tell me how the government could protect us in these places? They must be doing a great job or no threat exists.



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The last thing I want to see are cops with automatic weapons just hanging out in the subway. Just wait until some crack addict manages to kick off the safety and pull the trigger. For a space as confined as a subway station, wouldn't it be far more prudent to use some sort of non-lethal way to subdue people, so that when (not if) innocent bystanders are affected by the cop's weapons, they might be knocked out or in some pain, but not fucking DEAD.



ok so the guy thats trying to kill me when im on the gorund should be held to the same rules right? or how about the guy on the subway with a gun should be taken down with pillows? you forget that people who are there to kill people dont give a fuck about whos in the way or are using less lethal means. tasers and or less lethal means do have their limits, the only true and tested way to stop someone before something really bad happens is by a bullet.



KENNY... u must be a upstanding citizen right?


EWHYTSELL... im sry civilians dont need the weapons we have.. ohh wait they already do.. google LAPD shootout with AK-47.. youll see that we have been outguned for a long time.


Mikehaze... lesss expensive LOL , without cops our country will look like bum fuck Africa in no time.


V8kilr... i dont agree with you, your argument is more of a perception you have compared to the perception i have... also the germany thing is coming in from way out in left field..



Kizzle.... you watch the news young child.. go outside and see what cops really do instead of the idiots that disgrace the badge.




ohh and BTW i dont give a fuck what is going on in New York...

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Waco, Ruby Ridge and the list goes on.


This is a trend that I have noticed over the past 15-20 years, the police have become more like the military. From the weapons they use to the hair cuts they have. Our country is becoming more and more a police state


they are practicing so they will be ready to put us down when the people start a new Revolution. also why they are trying to get rid of the 2nd ammendment. even hitler did it he said it was to help protect the people from the terrorists. true story


the first ammendment is the most important.

the second ammendment is there in case the first ammendment fails.

and remember the second ammendment is a RIGHT not a privilege.

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The last thing I want to see are cops with automatic weapons just hanging out in the subway. Just wait until some crack addict manages to kick off the safety and pull the trigger. For a space as confined as a subway station, wouldn't it be far more prudent to use some sort of non-lethal way to subdue people, so that when (not if) innocent bystanders are affected by the cop's weapons, they might be knocked out or in some pain, but not fucking DEAD.



ok so the guy thats trying to kill me when im on the gorund should be held to the same rules right? or how about the guy on the subway with a gun should be taken down with pillows? you forget that people who are there to kill people dont give a fuck about whos in the way or are using less lethal means. tasers and or less lethal means do have their limits, the only true and tested way to stop someone before something really bad happens is by a bullet.



KENNY... u must be a upstanding citizen right?


EWHYTSELL... im sry civilians dont need the weapons we have.. ohh wait they already do.. google LAPD shootout with AK-47.. youll see that we have been outguned for a long time.


Mikehaze... lesss expensive LOL , without cops our country will look like bum fuck Africa in no time.


V8kilr... i dont agree with you, your argument is more of a perception you have compared to the perception i have... also the germany thing is coming in from way out in left field..



Kizzle.... you watch the news young child.. go outside and see what cops really do instead of the idiots that disgrace the badge.




ohh and BTW i dont give a fuck what is going on in New York...


watch this

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i think my comment about not letting civilians have the weapons we have got a lil taken out of context.. im trying to say that if you go to Vances right now you can pretty much get a gun that = that of a police issue...


Im not afriad of someone who is willing to tell me they have a gun, im afraid of thee guy that wont.

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You guys are fucking ignorant as hell if you think we don't need cops, lol. Most of you wouldn't go do half the shit our police officers do even if you had 10 guns.


"Oh noes, cops carry scary guns in subways." But then following that sentence you say YOU should have the right to carry these guns?


How does that effect any person walking by? Unless you get scared of them. Most people who constantly bitch about shit like this are the ones who bitch when something goes wrong and then explain the 20 ways in which the country could have prevented it.


Now, I am all for CCW and everything that goes along with it. But, sarcastically or not, saying you guys could replace a police officer is fucking ignorant. Hell, we have police officers on this site and I am sure they would laugh at you.


BTW- all knowledgeable Kyle - You rarely hear about good shit because IT IS THE FUCKING NEWS. What else is on the news? You don't usually hear about cop saving lives. They are there to entertain you and you buy right into it.


I have to agree with this 100%


And Im getting tired of read CCW will take care of everything all over this forum.

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everytime i go to a range there are no cops there and cops i have shot can't hit the broad side of the barn. I don't see a problem with cops carrying automatic weapons, i have a problem with how cops are trained in the use of weapons.


How is it Mike and I are on the anti gun carrying side of this arguement?

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everytime i go to a range there are no cops there and cops i have shot can't hit the broad side of the barn. I don't see a problem with cops carrying automatic weapons, i have a problem with how cops are trained in the use of weapons.


How is it Mike and I are on the anti gun carrying side of this arguement?



so you shot cops?


what cops you shoot with?


i would really like to know how your generalizing a whole group for the vision of only a few you have seen.... most departments have thier own range so you dont see them

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everytime i go to a range there are no cops there and cops i have shot can't hit the broad side of the barn. I don't see a problem with cops carrying automatic weapons, i have a problem with how cops are trained in the use of weapons.


How is it Mike and I are on the anti gun carrying side of this arguement?


Because we aren't sheeple looking up to people in fancy pants uniforms as our almighty protectors, but realize that 95% of the people out there hiding behind a badge are suffering from little man syndrome.


I wish I had a collection of all the news stories I've read of cops shooting themselves with their own service guns, claiming to be cleaning them at the time. THAT's the kind of person I want to see hanging around crowded subways with full autos. :rolleyes:

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everytime i go to a range there are no cops there and cops i have shot can't hit the broad side of the barn. I don't see a problem with cops carrying automatic weapons, i have a problem with how cops are trained in the use of weapons.




i think its embarassing that cops qualify at 20 feet or what ever it is when i can hit the same target at 50 ft.

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i think its embarassing that cops qualify at 20 feet or what ever it is when i can hit the same target at 50 ft.


Most start at 50 feet and some start at 75 feet.

It ends up close.. because thats where most of our gun battles take place.. less than 10 feet away.


Ill agree and say some cant shoot for shit ya.

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so you shot cops?


what cops you shoot with?


i would really like to know how your generalizing a whole group for the vision of only a few you have seen.... most departments have thier own range so you dont see them


of course I am generalizing, and generally cops aren't good shots. Prove me otherwise.

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of course I am generalizing, and generally cops aren't good shots. Prove me otherwise.

I could get a dozen of my cop friends to get together and they will make you eat your words. Just because a dozen or so videos are floating around the fuckin internet you think this about all of them. How many officers are there in this county? Then take how many incidents there are and videos. The percentage is so small. You don't have a clue!

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a dozen? really you think i am getting this from only a dozen vids?


and seriously shoot fest will be going on soon, you can bring your "cop" friends out and see what happens, we would love to take your money. Pick your team wisely

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I saw the Dispatch last night, the headline about halfway down the front page was talking about a local drug raid that got two cops shot. Oh hey how about a link to the story. What a fucking mess. Who here can spot the mistakes in the raid?




ummm.. what are you talking about... there was nothing wrong with the raid, it's called there was a barricaded door that is used by many drug dealers for this exact purpose to slow the police or rivals upon entry so they can shoot it out. the officer's did as they were trained and as they are required by law. "knock and annouce warrant"... get your facts straight ... and the officers there acted as they should have when an officer was down, fellow officers put their lives on the line to drag their freinds out of harms way, would you have the guts to do that? or are you a monday morning quarterback? the officers were adapting to a situation that was hard to overcome. Maybe you should not talk about something you know nothing about.. i dont see this as a disaster as you have labled it but as two officer that are out trying to make the FUCKING streets you live in a little safer at night...

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Also, I would like to point out that article says nothing about anyone actually being charged with anything drug related, only related to the shooting. Whats up with that?

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the investigation is on going but I belive drugs were recovered two of the suspects they really wanted were not home at the time.


Yes I'm firing blindy into a house if people in the house are shooting out at least give me some cover fire, but then agian we were not there to say who was shooting and if it was truley blind.

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