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I helped my dad seed grass the weekend before last. How long is that supposed to take before you see little sprouts? I understand the weather's not great but damn.

My seed said aproximately 3 days to germinate and visible sprouts within 7. I would think after a week or so you might be alright if it has been kept moist and has sprouted.


I'm guessing it's not good to have a layer of snow on it the second day... and now they're calling for frost in the morning. Looks like there's a good chance I'll be re-seeding.


I'm moving somewhere with no weather.

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I thought we are suposed to get 3 snows after that?


I always heard it was one.


Edited my post to actually include the word "one" since I was typing, drinking coffee, talking on the phone, and reading apache vhost configurations all at the same time... :o

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I was driving home last night around 3 am, thinking "wtf this is weird rain". I passed a dealership and noticed all the cars were covered in snow. My by the time it quit, the grass was all covered, but it wasn't sticking to pavement at all.
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