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Pulled over


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I got pulled over tonight for supposedly "Squealing and Peeling" 331.36... I looked it up and I really wasn't trying to take off fast or anything. I was just doing a U turn in Big Lots parking lot and then I pulled over at McD's and once I was stopped and out of the car he pulls up and tells me to get back in the car. I didn't think you were able to be pulled over on private parking lot (Big Lots)? What's the easiest way out? Thanks
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Easiest way out? Pay it.


Or, this case, at least go meet with the Prosecutor. Usually they will see it as a waste of time if you are going to fight it and you will pay the court costs. I believe it is points? Not sure though. I got a similar ticket in Circleville and this is what they did for me. My father and I basically told him we have owned a ton of 5.0 mustangs and none of them can squeal their tires and we would go out to the parking lot and show him. :D

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We need a sticky that describes tickets....whether you can be cited on public property....that the practical advice of having the ticket is...etc etc


The post needs to begin:

"So, you're an idiot and have a ticket...and you're whining that it was on private property or that the policeman wrote a simple error on the ticket...and you think you should be able to get out of it..." (and continue)


Seriously...once a week...someone posts saying, "I thought you couldn't be cited on private property..."


Search! Page 1 of 'private property'




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I love how if there is an accident on private property they won't do a thing about it but, if they can make a buck they'll pull right in there and right you a ticket for anything they can. I was working in a shop and a drunk came flying across the lot and plowed a customer's car and they wouldn't even come take a report. A couple weeks later one of the guy's is roasting his tires off and gets hit with a ticket. Makes sense to me.
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I had a cop in westerville bitch at me once about squealing in a parking lot. I got out of a ticket though. I was in my trail rig and I showed him there is no possible way to turn the truck without it squealing the tires. I even offered to let him try:-)



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Guest mrhobbz
I don't think that's right, I think the fine is just higher. I got a ticket for not using a turn signal and it was 2 fucking points and I already had ticket(s) within 12mo prior.


The fine is +25 for other violations within a year.

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I don't think that's right, I think the fine is just higher. I got a ticket for not using a turn signal and it was 2 fucking points and I already had ticket(s) within 12mo prior.


When I got my reckless op it was a month after I had gotten a speeding ticket out of state. When I was summoned to court it showed as a 4 point violation. When I went to court I had yet to pay my speeding ticket to WV. The judge looked at my record and said “Well you haven’t had any moving violations in the past year, so this should be a two point violation and not a four point.” He actually gave my record to another person to look over it thinking that he had missed something but my speeding ticket hadn’t showed up because I had yet to pay it. All I know it that mine went from 4 to 2 points and the fine was the same as I can remember.

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Easiest way out of this will be to set up a long, low-speed police chase in a white Bronco. Good luck.





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