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Donate to me..


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This is pathetic. Honestly. "Give me, give me, give me!. Nobody wants to help me."


I won't guess what you did from 14 years old until now, I'll just tell you that I pumped gas and turned wrenches. I worked 55-60 hours per week with a 2 year span when I was 17-19 without a single fucking day off. I worked 40 hours per week the entire time I went to college. I paid for my own beautiful $295 p.o.s. apartment with 1 local tv channel and slept on a mattress on the floor.


Give me a fucking break. You're driving that car and asking for fucking handouts. Get the fuck out.


I already had the 'Delete Thread' option clicked until I saw how the responses were going.

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Ok... i am well prepared to get flamed for this...


I AM NOT ASKING FOR MONEY YET....however im asking what you guys think the outcome would be if i asked for like $5 from every member... for a little help to start college... i have an ongoing thread about me starting... and i know that everyone that has gone... had to do it the hard way... and i totaly respect that... im just asking what you guys think about it... i think that if someone else possted this... i would give them $5 knowing that $5 x 200 people would pay for my whole first quarter... seeing as how the goverment dosent want to give me a dime.... and my parents dont care about what i do in my life...





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I really wonder how some kids these days even graduate from high school.


You know what I can't stand and I know I'm not 100% perfect on grammar but for god sakes I really can't take it when people act like the internet isn't a place to attempt to use proper English and punctuation.


Here's to hoping you even make it through your first year of college.

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Ok. Ok. Ok. I got it. From now on I will not use a million periods in my post's


I have worked eveyday just like you guys. If you knew me outside of this forum. you would know that i have been turning wrenches, flipping burgers, and working in a warehouse. I got my first job when I was 15, and I havent missed a day yet. I never call sick days, and I have never taken a vacation, AND I DONT MOOCH. I swear this was not me just asking for money.

I still work 60hrs a week as it is. I dont live at home with mommy. My dad is in prison, and I pay for all my own shit. Not saying that means anything to you guys, but I build my car just like you. With the money that I make.


I did save a dime because im a FUCKING IDIOT


Im sorry i posted this up. My intentions were not for someone to feel bad for me. I just had an idea, and spoke before i thought.

I like this forum alot, and their is alot of good people and info in here. I did not intend on insulting those who have had to work hard, and sleep on a single mattres to make it.


Please just close this out.


Thanks for all the post's though. It gave me the chance to see that im not special. I just have to go.

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I'll give you $5.00!! all I ask in return is an upgraded clutch kit for my car, some upgraded axles, and a rear support cover..........then when you finish school pay me back the $5.00.........deal??


Deal. As long as you throw in a case, and not the cheap shit. I want budlight. :D

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get a job at ohio state, full time employee get 10 free credit hours, theres my payment to you. im a pca at the osu medical center, ive been working full time all year and saved 30 credit hours and only payed for 15. only take 10 credit hours, get paid good, get college, get buckeye tickets, cant beat it
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get a job at ohio state, full time employee get 10 free credit hours, theres my payment to you. im a pca at the osu medical center, ive been working full time all year and saved 30 credit hours and only payed for 15. only take 10 credit hours, get paid good, get college, get buckeye tickets, cant beat it


Thats awsome. Thanks for the advice, and good luck!

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Oh hell no.


Fuck you and your god damned ellipses.


When investing my money, I look at my return on investment. Clearly the time YOU invested in highschool didnt even provide you enough knowledge to construct a legible paragraph... let alone a critical argument. Clearly my $5 would go to an education wasted on a mind too incompetent to benefit from it.


No cash for you.

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no problem man, i didnt even know of the benefits until i came into my interview. you een get medical and dental insurance, the benefits seems endless. i also get tons of corporate discounts outside of work. moreless, says you incredible amount of money, but they do remind you that work comes first
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I don't give douchbags on the internet money, simply because they have some retarded theory on how others will make their life better.


That said, I WILL hire people to do certain things. Let's say I had someone I wanted....ummm.....to no longer exisist. I pay cash. You seem pretty poor, since you are begging and all. So certain "standard rates" do not apply.


Or if you are too pussy to be a hit man, I'm sure we can gather up money to have a felon fuck you in the ass. I know I'd get a laugh out of it.

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these are some of the funniest posts i've ever seen. to the original poster---sell your car, buy a reliable cheap daily, and get loans for school. i want to say that you will make it, and succeed in your college ambitions, but i bet that you will fail (i have to take the safe bet)
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Dude, join the army reserves!


Pro's serve your country, get college paid for via 4500 dollars a year towards tuition, and your MI GI Bill which is about 300 dollars a month in your pocket just for attending school. Those two alone will cover 90 percent of your tuition and fee's cost depending how expensive of a school you go to.


Also... minimum 20 grand sign on bonus and if you score high enough on the asvab you can get student loan repayment and the GI Bill kicker.


Cons... You will get dirty, you will do lots of pushups, and heaven forbid if you have to go to Iraq and serve your country for a year.


I have been in for three years and have traveled all across the country. I recently got to spend a weekend in Vegas all expenses paid too. You will get to shoot a lot of different weapons and blow stuff up, and will also gain many experiences of a lifetime. Give it some thought, and if your interested or have any questions send me a Pm.


Also, if you want, you can also go ROTC, from what I know, all of your college is paid for, and you receive a monthly check. I do know there are classes you have to take and different places you have to go to for training in the summer. Big whoop, I know from experience a summer filled with hard training, pays off physically, financially, and morally V.S. working some random summer job all summer.


Also, don’t give me the, Iraq is a war for oil, I don’t want to die (you might die driving to work tomorrow) and all the other stupid bullshit. It is nothing I haven’t heard before.

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