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SICKEVO is a Scammer!


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He didn't even log on yesterday, he can only read the oven, he is essentially banned Anthony. If he logs on againg in the next couple of days I will ban him. I think he understands that coming here is a waste of time since he can't see anything.
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Take him to small claims court.




If I dont have anything signed by him can I still take him to small claims court? Can I use the info he posted on here as evidence? I can also prolly request a text message history from Sprint if needed...


I talked to his dad last night and he said Im basically bangin on an empty barrel...but idk I want my fuckin money, and Im willing to wait to get it, but not that long. I want something in writing from the courts that says he is legally obligated to pay me.

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If you didnt sign anything he's not legally obligated to do shit. What is it exactly that you did for him that is worth $500?


If it were me I wouldnt be asking for 500 from the buyer. I would be asking for 500 from the seller. If I sold your car for you, you could give me a cut. But if I had a friend with a car and I got it sold for you, I wouldnt ask the buyer for 500 because I got you the car.

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If you didnt sign anything he's not legally obligated to do shit. What is it exactly that you did for him that is worth $500?


If it were me I wouldnt be asking for 500 from the buyer. I would be asking for 500 from the seller. If I sold your car for you, you could give me a cut. But if I had a friend with a car and I got it sold for you, I wouldnt ask the buyer for 500 because I got you the car.


He said he would give me $500...I never asked for any type of repayment. So I am merely trying to keep him to his word.

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If you didnt sign anything he's not legally obligated to do shit. What is it exactly that you did for him that is worth $500?


If it were me I wouldnt be asking for 500 from the buyer. I would be asking for 500 from the seller. If I sold your car for you, you could give me a cut. But if I had a friend with a car and I got it sold for you, I wouldnt ask the buyer for 500 because I got you the car.


You dont no the story. The dad of the previous owner of this evo was controlling the sale of the car, Anthony was the middle man. The kid(nick) AGAIN was playing games throught the neogation of the sale. The dad (is a lawyer and did not give a shit about this kid/ want to sell to him anyways) told Anthony fuck him im not selling the car to nick. SO, nick went begging to Anthony to please help him get this car, there after nick APPROACHED Anthony with saying, hey i'll give you $500$ if you make this deal happen. Multiple hours, days, and weeks of Anthony efforts have gone into this sale, even labor work has been involed, hes installed new suspension on that p.o.s, so to say the least yea, he fucking deserves his money....Iv been with anthony many of times when this kid has snaked his way out of meeting on several occasion.



sooner or later antwon......

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You dont no the story. The dad of the previous owner of this evo was controlling the sale of the car, Anthony was the middle man. The kid(nick) AGAIN was playing games throught the neogation of the sale. The dad (is a lawyer and did not give a shit about this kid/ want to sell to him anyways) told Anthony fuck him im not selling the car to nick. SO, nick went begging to Anthony to please help him get this car, there after nick APPROACHED Anthony with saying, hey i'll give you $500$ if you make this deal happen. Multiple hours, days, and weeks of Anthony efforts have gone into this sale, even labor work has been involed, hes installed new suspension on that p.o.s, so to say the least yea, he fucking deserves his money....Iv been with anthony many of times when this kid has snaked his way out of meeting on several occasion.



sooner or later antwon......


I know G....sooner or later....


Thanks for explaining it....I just couldnt type it all out again.

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Small claims court will most likely be a waste of your time in this case. You will just have to get it the old fashioned way. ;)



+1 on getting it the old fashion way. If this kid doesn't intend on paying up and its quite obvious that he's doens't plan on it then you need to see what can be done in court. If you figure out that you dont have enough evidence to support you're case then you just gotta man up and head to the kids house. Get in his face and possibly have "a chat :) " with him. At least you could get the satisfaction of beatin the shit outta him. Then possibly finding his car and stripping $500 off of it. He cant drive the car w/o any rims, just sayin... :cool:

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Yes I did EVERYTHING, including taking calls/texts at about 2-3am everyday it seems to get this deal done. We agreed on $500 for my efforts to get him that Evo. I will find a way to get the money, but its SO shady that I did everything and I trusted this kid. The kids dad is wealthy and I guess he gets what he wants even though he had to step on others feet to get it.


So, you hooked the kid up because your friend was selling a car...


Let's nail down some facts:


1. the kid has nothing tangible of yours, meaning that there is no stolen property or further evidence.


2. the kid was willing to to pay you 500-fucking-dollars for the "help" of procuring his way to the "top of the list" of buyers.... 500.00 seems extreme, i could smell that 2 miles away


3. the kid could simply deny that he ever promised to pay you 500.00 dollars for this "service" as 500.00 seems unfeasable.



Antwon, take a word of advice from me.


You got screwed out of money that he was never planning on paying you, that's why he said he'd give you 5-bills. From the sound of it, this sounds like the "worst you've ever been screwed".... be thankful for that. I have also been extremely lucky with "not getting the shaft" so i cannot truly empathize....


Shit, i used to charge people just to use my contact in japan for cheap baller parts (overnight parts from japan) before it became common practice.





Cliffs notes - don't provide a service without being paid SOMETHING up front

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  • 2 weeks later...

if any1 wants to know where he lives. just hit me up :)


the kids a assbag. he scam's ppl all the fucking time. and for some odd reason the ppl he scams in chilly are still his friends... (all 2 of them.. lol)

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