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1am...wrong time to knock on someones door!


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so im sitting here, checking out a few threads about the track day, been hearing footsteps for the last 15 minutes or so outside...theres 4 apartments on the upper level where im at, and 4 below. didnt think much of it...car alarm went off for a few seconds a bit ago, looked out, car was leaving...no biggie...


then, i hear a knock on my door. my stomach dropped for a second...when i got home earlier, i had taken my gun and holster off and left it on the kitchen table. grabbed it, came to door, check the peep hole, see its my neighbor... never really talk to her, just the normal "hey" when passing, etc. ask her through the door 'whats going on', but couldnt hear what she was saying...put my foot behind the door, cracked it open to see what she wanted...


apparently she found 2 keys on a ring near the bottom of the steps of our breezeway, and thought checking with everyone at 1am was the best time to check. wtf? i would think taping a note up saying "if you lost keys, i found them, ill leave them at the office" or "call me tomorrow"


went to take a piss after i locked up again, and my knees were still shaking the whole time. definitely not something that i want to deal with again

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Guest GMoney
She's embarrassed to be seen with you in the daytime?


I think that is supposed to be a crack on me, but that is compliment. Thanks. It's so much better when they just come over for a booty call at night, who wants to hang out with them in the day time anyways...

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its not about chilling out. its fucking 1am, the complex im in i wouldnt call the greatest bunch of residents you can find. its not like i opened the door with the gun pointed at her face to see what was up. i doubt she even knew i had it since it was in my right hand behind my hip and i was leaning around the door


funny though...i dont remember seeing the same reactions when someone had a thread about someone ringing his doorbell at 9pm and reacted in a similar fashion

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Ya I don't think it is such a big deal to the point that you would be shaking.


i think it was more of the heart going from resting pace to fast-as-fuck (thats an actual pace, for those unaware) in a matter of a couple seconds. just felt like my nerves were on pins and needles for a minute.

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you should know...


The people that are going to fuck you up aren't courteous enough to ring doorbells.


A lot of crooks ring the door bell then kick the door in when the person unlocks it. Or another one that works a lot better is to have a woman knock (so that you let your gaurd down). Then when you open the door you have a bunch of guys in your house with weapons.


I don't open my door for anyone at night. I might have a conversation through the door but thats about it.

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A lot of crooks ring the door bell then kick the door in when the person unlocks it. Or another one that works a lot better is to have a woman knock (so that you let your gaurd down). Then when you open the door you have a bunch of guys in your house with weapons.


I don't open my door for anyone at night. I might have a conversation through the door but thats about it.



Ring Ring.

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That was me, but it wasn't just a knock on my door. it was three, very "out-of-place guys" for the area I live, that wouldn't stop "banging" on my door, even after I waved them off through the window and yelled that we weren't interested. it was 9pm on a Sunday.


Little different situation but I suppose I can relate. In an apartment, I just wouldn't have answered the door period. However, I also keep my guns ready to go just in case too. I admit I'm a little skittish about these things, but then I've been mugged at knife-point once (back in high school), gun-point once (1999) and have been home during an attempted burglary (1996).


Those events cause such reactions IMO. Especially for me when I'm with my wife and kids enjoying a Sunday evening.


its not about chilling out. its fucking 1am, the complex im in i wouldnt call the greatest bunch of residents you can find. its not like i opened the door with the gun pointed at her face to see what was up. i doubt she even knew i had it since it was in my right hand behind my hip and i was leaning around the door


funny though...i dont remember seeing the same reactions when someone had a thread about someone ringing his doorbell at 9pm and reacted in a similar fashion

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Fuck it, You knock on my door and its that late and I'm not expecting you. I will have my gun on me.

That's because you're just your typical paranoid cracker. ;) lol




I've had a knife and gun to me more than once, been cut, been shot, had my house broken into with me in it, car stolen, jumped by mulitiple people - the list goes on and on. Granted, I've been that person some people may be afraid of, too, but I could still never react like some of you. I don't live my life in fear. Being that jumpy will only get you and/or someone else hurt for no good reason. Maybe she saw your light on? Maybe she knows you stay up late. Oh holy shit!! She's your fuckin neighbor. Being she's not a paranoid, gun toting, crazy (lol, j/k on the last one), maybe she thought she was just trying to be a friendly neighbor. My roomate left the keys outside with my housekeys and car keys in some apt in Santa Ana and a few days later someone tried to come into my house (seperate from the time someone else actually broke in) and then a couple days later, my car was stolen with those same keys. Granted, she should've couldv'e waited, but wouldn't you want to know where your keys were in the before school, work or whatever in the morning?


Long story short, get some wet naps for the sand and chill the hell out. lol

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That was me, but it wasn't just a knock on my door. it was three, very "out-of-place guys" for the area I live, that wouldn't stop "banging" on my door, even after I waved them off through the window and yelled that we weren't interested. it was 9pm on a Sunday.


Little different situation but I suppose I can relate. In an apartment, I just wouldn't have answered the door period. However, I also keep my guns ready to go just in case too. I admit I'm a little skittish about these things, but then I've been mugged at knife-point once (back in high school), gun-point once (1999) and have been home during an attempted burglary (1996).


Those events cause such reactions IMO. Especially for me when I'm with my wife and kids enjoying a Sunday evening.


i guess i should have clarified, it wasnt just a single knock...it was a loud knock 4-5x, then maybe 3 seconds later, another quick knock...thats probably why it threw me off. usually, when i knock on someones door, ill wait for 30 seconds before trying again, if im even going to


lights on our apartment are automatically controlled, and are always on at night...we have no control over that

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