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Finally over $4 a gallon....WTF!!!


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The sad part is that people are bitching but I haven't heard anyone in power offer up a solution. The gov doesn't care because they have the power at this point. Until we “the people” gather together and force the issue, nothing will be done. Today people are more connected then ever. I’m communicating with people I have never met in person and sharing ideas with you all as well, all on a car forum. But can we use this connection to help each other? Or is it just for shooting the shit? Maybe…Just maybe we can do something on our level. CR has pulled together to do other random thing why not start using our voice for something that will have a bigger impact. I’m not talking about starting a million man march or knocking on the door of congress, but if we started brain storming reasonable ideas as to how we can have an impact or raise awareness maybe we can do something. Remember it takes on person to stand up and start something or in our case one group. I’m not very political but I do know the power of “the people” and that use to mean something. When the gov was afraid or at least respected the people. Now despite being able to get online and chat or post with someone around the country we are more separated then we were 50 years ago. Someone made the point that if we’re at war, why not just take the oil? I ask if we are at war why not use the power that we have to change it? We have to stick together and make a stand. Maybe $4.00 a gallon isn’t enough to bring people together to make a stand? But what will it take? $5.00 a gallon? Will people have to start getting laid off before they realize it’s a problem? This may seem like a stretch or harsh comparison but no one really started to care about the Nazi’s and what they were doing to the Jews until it got out of hand. I’m not saying that the gas prices are any where near that level but it is a similar situation to where people were being treated unfairly and it took a big change for the worse before anyone came together and did something about it. So ask yourself when is enough, enough? You may sit back and read this and think “Well I have enough $$$ that it’s not too bad for me. It sure does suck for everyone else?” The truth is that if we don’t stand together it will have to get worse before it gets better. That is my semi inspirational rant/
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The sad part is that people are bitching but I haven't heard anyone in power offer up a solution. The gov doesn't care because they have the power at this point. Until we “the people” gather together and force the issue, nothing will be done. Today people are more connected then ever. I’m communicating with people I have never met in person and sharing ideas with you all as well, all on a car forum. But can we use this connection to help each other? Or is it just for shooting the shit? Maybe…Just maybe we can do something on our level. CR has pulled together to do other random thing why not start using our voice for something that will have a bigger impact. I’m not talking about starting a million man march or knocking on the door of congress, but if we started brain storming reasonable ideas as to how we can have an impact or raise awareness maybe we can do something. Remember it takes on person to stand up and start something or in our case one group. I’m not very political but I do know the power of “the people” and that use to mean something. When the gov was afraid or at least respected the people. Now despite being able to get online and chat or post with someone around the country we are more separated then we were 50 years ago. Someone made the point that if we’re at war, why not just take the oil? I ask if we are at war why not use the power that we have to change it? We have to stick together and make a stand. Maybe $4.00 a gallon isn’t enough to bring people together to make a stand? But what will it take? $5.00 a gallon? Will people have to start getting laid off before they realize it’s a problem? This may seem like a stretch or harsh comparison but no one really started to care about the Nazi’s and what they were doing to the Jews until it got out of hand. I’m not saying that the gas prices are any where near that level but it is a similar situation to where people were being treated unfairly and it took a big change for the worse before anyone came together and did something about it. So ask yourself when is enough, enough? You may sit back and read this and think “Well I have enough $$$ that it’s not too bad for me. It sure does suck for everyone else?” The truth is that if we don’t stand together it will have to get worse before it gets better. That is my semi inspirational rant/



Wow, so you want the gov't to step in and limit free market capitalism?

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Wow, so you want the gov't to step in and limit free market capitalism?


I'll bitch and moan about the price 'til the end, but this is the truth. The only thing they could do is take off their stupid ass taxes for R&D or whatever new tax is on gas but to limit the system is not the American way.


When demand goes down, price will go down. Sad thing is, demand won't go down. We just have to bend over and accept it. Soon, gas will be like diamonds and you will fill up your wife's tank on your anniversary and cruise the streets and you'll get laid for buying her such a luxurious item. :p

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crude's at all time highs again up 1.91 today to $123.75 the weak dollar is hurting us and theres no end in site. Be prepared for $5.00/gallon by end of summer ohh and fill up today even if it is $3.80 because it will take the futures untill next week to kick in. It will probably be $4.20 ish next week.
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Monopoly is not part of free market capitalism, especially when the monopoly is on a resource that is a necessity of life with how society is currently set up. The goverment has put price ceilings on items that were part of monopolies to prevent them from just charging what they want because people had no other choice if they needed it, problem is alot of the people that are in the chairs currently to make that decision have their hands in the butter when it comes to the oil companies, so why would they want to limit their own personal income when it will just flourish more and they can now afford that yacht that is 110 feet long instead of 90?


Kinda makes me wish GM didn't rip up all those train tracks and prevent alot of the early development of public transportation to get more people to buy cars.

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Monopoly is not part of free market capitalism, especially when the monopoly is on a resource that is a necessity of life with how society is currently set up. The goverment has put price ceilings on items that were part of monopolies to prevent them from just charging what they want because people had no other choice if they needed it, problem is alot of the people that are in the chairs currently to make that decision have their hands in the butter when it comes to the oil companies, so why would they want to limit their own personal income when it will just flourish more and they can now afford that yacht that is 110 feet long instead of 90?


Kinda makes me wish GM didn't rip up all those train tracks and prevent alot of the early development of public transportation to get more people to buy cars.


Oh, well this post is much better.

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Guest 78novaman

I've thought about this for years and have come to the conclusion it is just simple supply/demand.



*Gov't puts restrictions on gas formulations -supply goes down


*Gov't says you can't dig for oil -supply goes down


*Gov't says you have to use ethynol -food supply goes down


3rd world countries with enormous populations (India/China) are coming into the 21st century -demand goes up


3rd world countries heath care is improving -food demand WAY up


Oil is becoming the prominent trade item, of which the USA has ZERO selling power in, thanks to the US Gov't.



*If you have'nt figured it out yet it's the Gov't fault gas is so high. The last thing we need is MORE Gov't to fix it. Gov't needs to GTFO the oil so the market can work.

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I've said it quite a few times on this forum... THE MOTHER FUCKING VALUE OF THE DOLLAR IS CRASHING. Everytime the Fed cuts interest rates and prints more money, you pay more per gallon of gas, wake the fuck up.
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Pulled from Business Week



Demand Is DOWN, Yet Prices Are UP

In January of this year, the U.S. used 4% less petroleum than we did a year ago. (Oil demand was down 3.2% in February.) Furthermore, demand has been falling slowly since July of last year. Ronald Bailey of Reason Online has pointed out that worldwide production of oil has risen 2.5% in the first quarter, while worldwide demand has grown by only 2%.


Production is expected to increase by 3.3% in the second quarter, and by as much as 4.1% by the third quarter. The net result is that the U.S. daily buffer for oil production against demand, which was a paltry 1.5 million barrels as recently as 2005, is now up to 3 million barrels in excess capacity today.


So what is going on here? Why would our Energy Secretary say there's a supply and demand problem when none exists? Why would he say that speculators have little or nothing to do with the incredibly high price of oil and gasoline, when it's clear they do? President Bush—a former oilman—gives the ever-growing demand for gasoline as the primary reason prices are so high, yet that notion can be dispelled with one minute of research. That's the problem with rhetoric; it rarely matches the facts


I also heard and I can't quote it. Our demand is down x% but China's demand is up over twice our demand which is why our prices are going up. The weak dollar has something to do with also.

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I've said it quite a few times on this forum... THE MOTHER FUCKING VALUE OF THE DOLLAR IS CRASHING. Everytime the Fed cuts interest rates and prints more money, you pay more per gallon of gas, wake the fuck up.






Mother fucking WINNER!!!


The price of oil is 100% completely and utterly tied to the value of the dollar.


Watch it some day....



It's not that fucking hard to understand...




BTW there is no "Monopoly"


BTW gov't subsidies create unlimited demand


Oil speculators have very little to do with the price


It is Currancy speculators who aren't even in this country. The USD is traded WORLDWIDE

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