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Ok that's a real funny pic, and actually made me blush it's so embarrassing.

I got the inside joke, it was pretty blatant, and wasn't trying to be insulting just poking fun like you said. I guess the intranets doesn't exude the tone of jokes very well.

Who invited you to the party Pog boy? :lol:

Where the hell did you pull pogs from? I haven't seen those in a decade.:missing:

good now you guys can make up and have butt sex

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True true. But, did you find your old ones in a box or something?

Speaking of which, did you get that text about those sprockets I found for your bike?

I was just looking at random shit on the internet because there is nothing else to do in the greater Youngstown area and ran across the pong picture on a shirt...I should buy it. lol

Yeah I locked the message on my phone but forgot to look at the page until you just said something...

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