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Anyone wanna go skydiving?


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you do when the door opens... oh man, it's probably the scariest feeling I've ever had.... but once you leave the plane, you feel like you are flying and all you hear is the wind once you "arch" I didn't get the falling feeling at all until my chute was deployed and I was closer to the ground. (I was told it was all about the fact that everything is relative and the ground doesn't look like it's getting any bigger when you are up that high.)


oh man, I just got that feeling in my stomach again of the door opening. I'll have to dig up pictures of my jump.

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I thought there was a place that would let you jump w/o being strapped to somebody, but you had to do classes literally all day. I think they send a couple guys down with you, incase you fail to open your chute/ pass out.

I did class all day and still had to be strapped to someone... this was close to 10 years ago now, so who knows what the regulations are.

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if im caught up on some bills and my check from the gov. is in then i will most likely go. ive been wanting to go really bad this year and it would be nice to go with a big group!


lets get some more interest and hopefully set up a time and date..........

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Opening the chute is *not* the problem, anyone who jumps should be doing so with a velocity/altitude activated emergency chute regardless of if you are experienced, beginner, solo or tandem. The static line jump I referred to is a low-altitude (usually 3000') jump where you are attached to a 75' cord that acts as the pull for your chute. This makes opening the chute as easy as falling down, altho it's at the expense of a long freefall. Should the cord fail, slap you in the face and make you pass out, the automatic safety will still release the backup chute and you will glide relatively safely to the ground. Of course, the odds of that happening are slimmer than you getting in a car accident on the way to the jump site, but that's beside the point. If you ask me, jumping solo and piloting your own chute to the landing zone is so so so much more rewarding than being strapped to a guy's back, getting dragged out the door, and being deposited on the ground without any real involvement in the process.
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The guy I work with told me today that he will get ahold of the people who run the one in Xenia and see if they will cut us a deal. I guess he knows them well. I was also told it would be a hell of a lot cheaper on the weekdays. I know for some that is an issue, but hey its an issue for some on the weekends too isnt it?
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