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Gas at 3.95


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No, it took two years for the market to get back to its overinflated levels..... You're failing to remember it jumped 43% in seven months. It inflated too quickly. A fall was inevitable.


Please tell me you're studying computers or biology and not economics.



You're failing to remember, this is what we are facing right now... I don't even know what argument you are making. People got in high and lost lots of money, companies hired on the highs and people lost jobs. It happened.


Sadly I make a good chunk of change in the markets and happen to have a B.S. in economics


and I am self employed

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right but $8 us is still $4 something Euro. relitively speaking we are paying the same as them now.


I hope you're being a smartass. That's like saying if I buy gas here for $4/gal it should cost me 4 pesos in Mexico when in reality it'll cost around 42 pesos/gal.

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You're failing to remember, this is what we are facing right now... I don't even know what argument you are making. People got in high and lost lots of money, companies hired on the highs and people lost jobs. It happened.


Sadly I make a good chunk of change in the markets and happen to have a B.S. in economics


and I am self employed




This isn't even close to what we're facing now. This is going to be much longer, and a much more gradual downturn then upswing. I have no idea how you're possibly comparing the two events. Apples and oranges, other than people are losing some money if they're not investing wisely.

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Apples and oranges, other than people are losing some money if they're not investing wisely.



When have I said anything about anything other than it having to do with money in the market? market cap, extra income etc.


The market readjusted itself then and is readjusting itself now

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When have I said anything about anything other than it having to do with money in the market? market cap, extra income etc.


The market readjusted itself then and is readjusting itself now


Remind me again why you brought it up then?

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last year I spent over $4,000 in gas with a car that gets 39 MPG consistently, this year I don't know what to do, motorcycle sounds pretty good to me, that's the only thing i can think of.



you drove 51,000 miles?

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According to The Dept of Energy:


2nd Week of May 2007 = $3.10


2nd Week of May 2008 = $3.72


That is $0.62 cents per more gallon than last year.




If you have a 11 Gallon per fill up tank:


Last year, a fillup cost $34.10


This year, a fillup costs $ 40.92


That is $6.82 more per fillup.




If your car gets 24 mpg:


Last year, you paid $0.129 per mile.


This year, you pay $0.155 per mile.


That is $0.026 per mile more.




That is a $312 increase since last year, if prices were fixed, for 12,000 miles.



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Guest 614Streets
I seriously dont see the big deal about gas prices someone do a mathematical brake down of someone driving a car 12k miles a year and now vs last year.



The Big deal is for transport and commodities going up and a stale uniteresting marketplace with less interesting big new growth. Nobody should be paying for fuel by 2020 anyways and we can rid an economy based on fuels and allow some new sectors to arrive. If you cut organization and markets of transportation down to 25% of todays market , that money doesnt have to circulate but it will be there and it should be used to generate new sectors and new technologies , and it will.


Harnessing the current in the ocean and bioelectricity can generate more than enough intial power to concepts such as Chevrolets Volt program. Dependance will always rise with population increase but technology should be used to consistantly lower engery creation costs. Space programs would benefit tremendously from slashing away the oil sector to 25% worldwide.


Will the big wigs still be able to hold buyers hostage with an electric market? No because eventually the technology will spread to self creation at the home/individual level but this will take time but it'll eventually happen.

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Guest 78novaman

LOL @ 614 streets. Electric car???? No gas by 2020?!?!?! Ocean currents. You make me laugh.



You have NO CLUE about the state the North American Electrical Grid is in. Remember the August 2003 blackout? That was only because New York was using more A/C than normal. Now you want to replace gasoline completely with electric???? Even after you manage to convince everyone to let them tear up everything to put new hi-tension lines, don't forget that you can't build a coal powered plant due to EPA regs, nor can you build a nuke plant because of the "not in my backyard" people.


Put the crack pipe down and log off the intarweb.



p.s. Ocean current generators have oil in them. True story. Wait until a boat crashes into them.

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