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Bottled Water VS Tap Water


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Tap water, unless I'm driving for a long trip or a day at work.Then occasionally I'll buy a bottle.


But here's one for you, even at current prices, a gallon of bottled water still cost almost three times as much as a gallon of gas. Also, we have the purest drinking water supply in the world, and yet we buy more bottled water per capita than any other country...a miracle of advertising creating perceived need...

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We had a filter system on our Fridge....ditched it as I never liked the taste. Tried the Brita Pitcher and it definitely tastes "filtered" not clean and clear like the fancy ass reverse osmosis and filtered water from machines we have at the office. That shit is just pure moisture with zero taste or smell. I love it. I usually bottle up 3-6 empty bottles per day and take them home for the wifey :o


Makes awesome tea, which is what I usually drink throughout the day.

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Bottled. But not just any bottled. I can actually tell the difference in taste not only between bottled and tap, but between many different brands of bottled water.

Here's something weird. I cannot get through an entire glass of tap water without it giving me cotton mouth and a light burning in my throat. It doesn't really seem to quench. I don't get that with most bottled water.


I also like carbonated mineral water. Again, some more than others.


i bet no one ever had this problem until bottling and selling water was invented

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