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Pray for Martha

max power

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I was one of the first to stumble on the scene of this accident today.

Twin sisters (81) on their way to the Dr.s ran a red light and t-boned the semi sitting at the light waiting to turn. Margaret died while myself and a lady, whom they hit first, gave her CPR. Martha is in critical condition with what appeared to be a broken foot and internal bleeding. It doesn't look as bad as it was. They hit the truck so hard it slid it sideways 5-6 feet. Margaret hit the windshield and had massive internal injuries. We couldn't keep a clear airway.

I then climbed in the car and held c-spine while trying to comfort Martha. All she wanted to know was how her sister was. It was heartbreaking.

Tell those you love that you love them. Often. Show them. Often.

You never know what could happen on your way to the Dr.s office.



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