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Outragious overdraft fees from Chase


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I'm rather pissed off at Chase right now. I overdrafted a couple bucks, but had it back above zero before getting hit with a $64 fee. Ok, that's not terrible, BUT...I overdraft again. Paycheck hits, everything is cool, but then I get hit with a $160 fee, again AFTER I'm back above zero. So now I've got a total of $224 in overdraft fees, for being thirty bucks in the hole for a few days. What's up with that, when my National City checking account charges me $3 a month for overdrafting???


What are the chances of Chase waiving these fees? If they don't, I'm canceling my Chase account this week, after having otherwise been a happy customer for 5 years. I understand charging a couple dollars for going over, but this is crazy.

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I've had bankone/chase for the last 12 years. I have only had 3 issues. 2 out of the 3 they gave me a credit for the fees. The one they didnt was for $200 about 8 years ago. They probably will not give all of it back but they should negotiate something.
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I think I'll offer to leave the original $64 fee on there if they will waive the additional $160. It wouldn't bother me at all to cancel that account, I have to drive 10 - 15 miles from my house just to get to a Chase branch anyway.
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I stopped banking with them for the same reason. I noticed on Wednesday night that I had a Gas charge and 2 checks that were pending in the amount of like $250.00 and that I only had $75.00 in my account. This was on a Wednesday night. So I got $200.00 cash and went to the bank as soon as it opened Thursday morning. I told them that I think by now I'm negative but I had $200.00 CASH to bring my account above 0. I asked if there was anyway they could not charge me the fees because I had the cash in hand to bring the account current. I was also getting paid on Friday through direct deposit. They told me that there was NO WAY that they could refund the charges. They ended up charging me $90.0 in fees which put me back in the negative and caused me to overdraw another $30.00 on Friday even though my direct deposit went in at 12:01 am. Technically I was still in the hole at 12:00am. I understand that the fees are there for a reason and that it is my responsibility to manage my money properly. I was pissed because I made a strong effort on my part to do right by them by bringing my account current and they made no real effort to cut me a break. I had banked with them for 4 years and NEVER! asked them to refund any fees, yet they still didn’t work with me. $120.00 for being overdrawn form 12:00am on Thursday – 9:00am on Thursday. That’s BS. On Friday I walked in talked with the same manager and closed my account. Fuck them!
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Chase rapes you on fees like that. I accidentally deposited a chunk of money into one account, but withdrew from the other because I though I deposited it there. Wrong. I over-drafted and it wiped out my savings account too. In the end I had about $30 that I needed to pay back plus their fees. Just my luck on that very day, FedEx charged me for all my shipments for that month as 7 individual transactions. I had 7 more ~$5 transactions that cost me $60 a piece.


I talked with them about it since I had never had any issues before and they agreed that I would only need to pay half. Even though it was 100% my fault, those fees are recockulous.

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that's why I have a savings account with a few bucks in there to take care of the overdrafts (if they happen). They do charge me $7 for each transaction over that though. It's better than the normal fees.
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ooo sucky ness how many purchases put u over? for every purchase your that put you over your going to get a 32 insuficient funds fee and a 5 doller a day extendecd overdraft free(ohio illinois an wisconson GAYY)


IM the person who would call u lol, just go to you local branch say im kinda disturbed about all these fees say if something cant be donen with these im taking my money out and going to another bank 9 times out of 10 they will take most if not all fees off


if not call 1800 5550433 option 1 is for collections and see if they cant wave them(only after you have tryed your local branhc because they can waive more then us and are more willing)


on a conclusion dont SPEND MONEY YOU DONT HAVE!! lol

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Wow, this is all awesome news concerning the fact that I MUST switch to Chase here in the next month because it is all they have here in Athens and I am tired of paying $3.50 to them every time I use my Huntington card. Shit is ridiculous.
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I left Bank One(at the time) for this very reason. I tend to use my debit card for various < $1 charges.....I never carry cash. They hit me with a couple hundred in fees to the point I opened my current Huntington acct because I was so pissed at the amount of fees I was charged for less than $10 in charges. Chase take debits before credits...yet another way to screw its customers.!!!
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I left Bank One(at the time) for this very reason. I tend to use my debit card for various < $1 charges.....I never carry cash. They hit me with a couple hundred in fees to the point I opened my current Huntington acct because I was so pissed at the amount of fees I was charged for less than $10 in charges. Chase take debits before credits...yet another way to screw its customers.!!!



They are also known for raising your credit limit without any notification then raising your APR because you are a "credit risk"

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I've made that mistake once and they refunded all of the fees except one. Maybe you shouldn't spend more money than you have anymore? :)



Dingdingding we have a winner.... there is this thing called a calculator and a check book leger.... it'll save u money, I get people everyday that complain about blahblah u charged all these fees for the customers mistake... but atleast ur admitting it was ur fault an that ur willing to pay for someof them so that should help u when u go to ur branch

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All banks 'rape u in the pooter with overdraft fees' if you run *yourself* out of money. It's one of the biggest sources of income for them; you think the interest they are making on holding on to the $200 in your free checking account is going to make them very much?


Chase has overdraft protection like any other bank, why not get it if you are actively using an account that has a near 0 balance? They are more likely to waive some of the fees if you sign up for it, too.

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Isnt overdraft protection a standard feature of banking nowadays? I have multiple accounts with Huntington and if I overdraft they will automatically take the money from one of my savings accounts. If you are wanting to switch, I suggest Huntington, they have been great and a couple of my friends made the switch and like them aswell.
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Isnt overdraft protection a standard feature of banking nowadays? I have multiple accounts with Huntington and if I overdraft they will automatically take the money from one of my savings accounts. If you are wanting to switch, I suggest Huntington, they have been great and a couple of my friends made the switch and like them aswell.


I love Huntington... although I do have Private Banking, but even before that I thought they were great. When I was a teenager I would overdraft my acct all the time because the place i worked for was slow releasing the funds, but I had always deposited before I charged and they would waive the fees.

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Isnt overdraft protection a standard feature of banking nowadays? I have multiple accounts with Huntington and if I overdraft they will automatically take the money from one of my savings accounts. If you are wanting to switch, I suggest Huntington, they have been great and a couple of my friends made the switch and like them aswell.


+1 for Huntington. Have been a great bank and it sucks I have to switch, especially after reading this thread.

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Guest mrhobbz
Dingdingding we have a winner.... there is this thing called a calculator and a check book leger.... it'll save u money, I get people everyday that complain about blahblah u charged all these fees for the customers mistake... but atleast ur admitting it was ur fault an that ur willing to pay for someof them so that should help u when u go to ur branch


Yeah I made that mistake once and I'll never do it again. I use my checking account for direct deposit, my check goes in I take out $100-200 spending for the two weeks and use the rest for strictly bills. Cash in hand = no overdraft ftw.

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That's smart but as long as u keep track somewhat u won't go over


I love how everyone bashes chase ause they charge fees..... ugh everyone charges fees people an I'm not swinin for chases nuts cause I work there (frankly I have usbank wooo) but as long as ur not an idot an spend money u don't have ull be fine


And I know there are some emergency times but its not YOUR money ur spending when u go over so there for your gonna get charged for not being on top of your mulaaaa

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