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finally EVO!!!


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I just got back from my 2000 mile trip with nothing, do not believe anyone anymore , anyone will lie about anything to sell somthing even a 60 year old man, I got in florida yesterday at around 2:30 I got a shower at the hotel called the guy to meet around 4, we get there and I do not even see the evo after another phone call he said his "friend" is coming up with it right now, about a 10 minute wait this black guy shows up in, from far away it looks as good from all the pic's I walk up and start looking it over, and first thing i notice on the back left door there is about 10 chips and a dent, and below that a cut on the back bumper around 7 inches long, I asked the black guy what happen there and he did not know, he told me to ask "gino" the guy selling the car, I keep looking it over and see chips on the mirrors, and all these dents and scratches around the door as someone tryed to break in at one time, and a big ass skuff on the rightside front bumper, I look at my girlfriend and she can tell I am fucking pissed. Finally this gino guy comes out from being on the phone I tryed to be polite but I said please do not tell me this is the car, He now is trying to kiss my ass and talk all fast and hotshot like I will cut the price down alot for these blah blah blah and I ask him how come he just did not tell me about this before I came down on the phone? He could not give me a reason, all he kept saying its low mile its as good as I told you, This car was in no shape to be sold as perfect. He asked me if I wanted to take a test drive, and I just told him thanks for wasting my fucking time and I did not want a ride.

My girlfriend took a few days off to go come with me because she knew how much this car ment to me, and she was excited herself. She started talking to gino and telling him that he was a "fucking liar" and we had some of the voice messages he left about the car he left us, she was about to cry because we really could do nothing at this point, but to take it on the chin and leave.This is the second evo we have looked at within the past two weeks that we have traveled a total of over 2500 miles to see, because we trusted the owners. We have lost out on around 1700 bucks in gas, hotels, food ect. Anyways this is the end of my rant and im done looking right now, I will try again in a few months after this wears off me. But if anyone knows an evo they personally know about and have "seen" with there own eyes thats mint, less then 40k mile, and bone stock let me know . I have around 23-24k to spend and have the money on me right now and not looking to waste anyones time as they have done with mine.

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God, I hate people more and more every day.


For future endevors... get a LOT of high-resolution pics. I mean 100+. If you're willing to travel 1000 miles 1-way, an honest seller will provide you whatever photo/video evidence you ask for.

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That is so fucking weak. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people. Did he actually think you'd drive all the way down there to buy a wrecked of piece of shit.


I don't think what color the guy is mattered in your rant.


I don't think he meant anything by it.

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I'm sorry to hear it didnt work out. The last time I was looking for a car out of state I found a local guy on another car forum and had him send me pics. I saved a bunch of money because the car was in the same condition as that evo.


The black guy thing kind of rubbed me the wrong way too, but hopefully he was just trying to be discriptive.

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There is one at Roby Mistsubishi by the Toy Barn. Its an MR. My dad test drove it since he is getting rid of his s4. Only thing is it only has 4,200 miles on it and they were offering it to him for $29,000. I figured they are cutting him a pretty decent deal since he has bought 10 cars from the Toy Barn. Either way sorry about your luck, people suck.
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I dont think he meant anything racial by the comment but i can see how it could be taken the wrong way..Sorry you didnt find your car man..Like mentioned above carmax will bring that shit to you and if its not perfect like described you dont pay the transfer..The EVO's are decently priced on their website too
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yes i have been checking evo.net, and about the black guy thing I did not mean anything rascial about it, I was just describing the person, I would of said asian,white,black, hispanic race means nothing to me, He was gino's friend and was helping me out more then gino was with questions ect, He even said "gino never told you that it had this or that wrong with it" anyhow I finally got some good rest last night and slept on it, I am going to take a break looking for a while till I find the right one.


I am a minority myself in no way would I ever put anyone down for there race ect, I was just trying to discribe the situation.

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