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U-verse is a joke... do your research.


The queers came to my door to try and shove, "you can reserve your subscription before it gets installed in the area" crap down my throat. Luckily I had done my research after they semi-brainwashed my mother into almost getting it installed, and had her cancel because of all the horror stories I read. I basically told them off, and how I know about all of the problems, and how you can't record on 2 HD channels on seperate DVRs at the same time, which they acted like they had no idea about. If you're going to try to sell something, know your shit.. needless to say, I sent the kids on their way back to AT&T.

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My Wow has been good also. Our phone is kind of "iffy" at times, people on the other end say we break up, we have called Wow about this and they have not really fixed it. I always hear the other person very clear though. Internet is always up and running fast, I download HD movies to my Apple TV a lot. No issues there. I do wish they would come out with more HD stations more frequently, they are available. Hell I wish they only had a service that was HD only, I pay for all the other bandwidth of channels and I never watch them, they look like dog shit on a 52" 1080p LCD, I find myself only watching HD. I think the only non HD thing I watch is Battlestar Galatica, Sci-Fi HD is out there, but the show is in it's final season so whatever. I would really like to see a HD only package from WOW. If it doesn't happen soon, Wow may loose me and others like me to DirectTv. I have a 3k dollar TV that looks like dog shit if HD is not on it.
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DirectTV/Dish: I like watching TV when it rains. They don't like that idea.


I rarely see my signal drop out. It takes the heaviest storms to block the signal. When I had DirecTV before, I lost the signal maybe two or three times a year.


But TWC is so advanced, you can enjoy "Rain Fade" even when it's not raining out! Losing signal or getting a choppy picture or sound is a common occurance with TWC where I am and their techs can't do anything about it.

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The update seems to be a semi-copy of WOW's. You FINALLY get to scroll through channel listings while watching the channel via the arrow keys (I hate using the guide...this was something I really hated about TW previously).


Hmm, I didn't know that to be an issue. I have been able to do that with my Insight for around 3 years now.

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DirectTV/Dish: I like watching TV when it rains. They don't like that idea. They also don't offer telephone/HSD.


Funny you say that...I have had Direct TV for the past 3 years and really dont have an issue with losing connection during a rain storm. It only seems to go out when cable would.


I would recommend Direct TV to anyone. I still use cable for internet...just never again for TV.


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U-verse is a joke... do your research.


The queers came to my door to try and shove, "you can reserve your subscription before it gets installed in the area" crap down my throat. Luckily I had done my research after they semi-brainwashed my mother into almost getting it installed, and had her cancel because of all the horror stories I read. I basically told them off, and how I know about all of the problems, and how you can't record on 2 HD channels on seperate DVRs at the same time, which they acted like they had no idea about. If you're going to try to sell something, know your shit.. needless to say, I sent the kids on their way back to AT&T.


I can tell you this I have no need to record on 2 HD channels on seperate DVR's at the same time, but from my understanding its more of a microsoft battle than anything. My internet has never once gone out on me unlike TW. I can watch TV with out it freaking out and having to rebot the damn box everyday. And when I call someone for support or any issues they come out the next day and I dont have to try and decipher some Hindus english.

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I also HATE the new "upgrade".

-Like Joe said the FF options are less. Also while FF or RW before you could hit the right or left arrow and jump forward (or backward) in 15 minutes jumps. They removed that option now. This is a huge hassel now when trying to get through shows or games quick.

-It's definitely slower with more lag. I have a hard time getting the guide to come up. It's always "Loading".

-Another annoying thing is when you're watching a show and click "live" it likes to switch back to the other channel I was watching and go live there. This has really ticked me off a few times. Only way to get live on the show you wanted was to sit there and FF forever!

-One great feature that TW has always had that drives me nuts w/ WOW is when in FF it jumps back some when you push play relative to how fast you were going. This makes it easy to land where you want. Since the stupid upgrade it does this in the reverse when you RW.. when you press play it jumps forward. REALLY dumb.

-I also think it's harder to read with less info.. I just hate it. There is more stuff that bugs me I'm sure I'm just forgetting.

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Comcast sucks too. I called to establish service and it asked for my phone number. I don't have a phone yet so I waited, it asked again then hung up. I called back and tried pressing "0" or anything, all it would do is hang up unless you put in your phone number. GENIUS! How can I get service if you won't even talk to me! If I put in a cell phone, all it would say is they don't service that area. I had to go to comcast online customer support to get the local office number and call them.
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Oh yeah I thought of something else. The new stupid TW system doesnt recognize "MLB Baseball" on Fox Sports as a series! So now I have to remember to manually record every single Reds game. Idiots!
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  • 4 months later...

I brought this back from the dead to post an update. After 3 more calls to TW, and TW refusing to lower my bill for this junk service or provide any ETA or excuse other than, "we are aware", I just ordered DirectTV from their website.


I ordered the service at 11am on Sunday, and they are scheduled to install Monday (TOMORROW) at 8am. I hope this is a sign of things to come. Free dish, free boxes, $20 credit for paperless billing (I know this saves them money), 200 channels and DVR for $5 more than TW's 100 channels w/ no DVR.


That is all.

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We called DirecTV to do an HD upgrade. (Have to come out and switch boxes) They billed me and never showed up. Im sure something fell through somewhere. Other then that its never been a problem.


I always read peoples bitch about not being able to watch TV in the rain with them. But I have never had that problem. Now in Major storms thats a little different. But if it goes out its not for long.

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DirectTV was here this morning, on time. Polite installer. So far so good.


When we called TW to cancel cable, the guy wasn't surprised wer'e switching, did not try to retain us as customers, but... was the first polite TW rep we ever spoke to.

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Just be glad that you don't have Insight. That is the ONLY provider I can get where I'm at and it sucks. I had TW at my last house and never really had any major issues. I work 2nd shift, so I'm ususally up kinda late. In the middle of the night, the box will reboot; every night. I called them one night and she told me it's normal because they are updating software. I said "Every single night?". She said "Yeah. Anything else I can help you with?". Ugh!!


agreed "Insight" 10 times worse

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