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Anyone experienced with breathalyzers in cars?


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Ok, before I start I know this has the chance to be a very touchy subject but just hear me out. I am more just interested than considering doing so.


Let me say I DO NOT HAVE OR NEVER HAVE HAD A BREATHALYZER. My buddy however does. He just had it installed in his car after a couple mistakes a long time ago that he has since learned from. Now I have been driving his mustang since he only has work privelegdes. He doesnt drive at all really and he is now spending his money and time into modding his car. He gets his license back in November and wants his car done by then. I have been trying to figure out how to bypass this damn thing without it beeping at me the whole time and without him getting introuble for tampering with it. There has to be some simple way to wire it up so that it thinks it is working but not. Like I said I am more just interested if possible than anything.


Before anyone says it, yes he was a fucking idiot and got two DUI's and deserves punishment. I don't agree with what he did at all and I do not support any of it. I think he should've got some sweet ass party tags.:cool:

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I think it would best to do nothing.


I don't know how it is wired, there could be a lot of different options, and none of which would I ever attempt on something like that.

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Why would it be beeping at you the whole time? Blow into it.


OR drive your own car.




Exactly. You need to blow to drive.


That's how women should be able to get in a car and drive. Blow n' Drive.

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I wouldn't touch it I was put there for a reason. You say your friend is aware of his mistakes he make and working making things right. This it part of that.


Also if the system is tampered with I'm pretty sure hee will be fucked when it comes to getting his lisence back


Leave it alone is the best advise I can give.

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Ive only seen 1 in my time.. and the dude that was in it was wasted. He would start the car and drive for like 15 seconds until it died and then start it again. He repeated it until the car broke down and we booked him lol


Oh I wouldnt mess with it at all.

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Have him "sell" it to you. Then it can legally be removed. Drive/mod it till November and "sell" it to him. I would assume there are big fines/penalties for messing with it or allowing him to use it after you "take ownership".
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not sure I'd recommend taking on the liability and punishment that would come from tampering with it. hell, just the "what if" it was involved in another OMVI incident and you were tied to having tampered with it. My guess is that punishment would make a regular OMVI sentance seem like a cake walk.
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We have had three cars in our shop that have these installed in them. DO NOT mess with them. Two of the cars you had to use the DRIVER 1 key and blow for the damn thing to start. The last one we just pushed aoround the shop. The guy said it was VERY bad if you get caught with it NOT in the car.
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turn the key on and jump it at the starter soiliniod! they only interupt the starter signal!


(i have had to fix a car that had a starting issue, and it came down to being the DUI box itself)

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I worked on a customers TL that had 1 of those installed, I turned the key to on, then went under the hood and jumped the starter solenoid, car started and drove without an issue from the box, that was a few years ago so I don't know if the boxes have been upgraded or changed since then
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in on page one of a legendary thread.


edit: just have a balloon full of clean air, duhhhh.


Finally. lol Never had one installed, so I really don't know if that'd work, but I've thought the same thing.

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I knew this would be a bad idea to post this:) . The thing is not really hooked up right now it will start without blowing into it but it fucking just keeps beeping like a microwave done. I have no problem with blowing into it once to get it running but you have to blow every 5-10 mins to keep driving. Otherwise it continues to beep. It never shuts the car off or anything. It is just really annoying. It is not a big deal, I just turn the music up. Like I said I was just wondering more than anything. I did however call the place and told them I was working on it and they told me how to put it in service mode, but something is wrong and it just keeps fucking beeping.
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