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Is this real? Aliens proof tommorow?


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If you believe the reports slowly being released by the government through the freedom of information act, we are not alone. It's supposed to be a slow leak (long story short) to allow the public to slowly come to grips with it. This is done through classified info release, programs, etc. How much will they release, how much is real; who the hell knows. But I feel, with the whole universe out there, there's just no way we're alone.


As for this article, I'll wait to at least see the vid.

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Anyone else on ATS? ^_^


I'm a lurker. Sometimes it seems like there's too many doomsday prophecies.

"Shit, the world's going to end because in this book I wrote sorry found it said it was going to end due to the release of Duke Nukem: Forever and Starcraft 2. We're all going to die next tuesday!!!"

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Heard something about the vid being released on Friday. Also, I heard that it would'nt be released until this documentary is released on tv. The vid will be included, I guess.


So, in conclusion... I don't fuckin know.

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