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Rare uncontacted Amazon tribe photographed


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http://www.survival-international.org/ (Scroll to bottom for pics, they may take a moment to load.)


Or, if website won't load, try the next link, but it's obviously not the original nor will it have all 3 photographs or the ability to enlarge them.



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Those are some interesting pictures. It's hard to believe that in this "modern" age that there are still some primitive tribes out there that have never had human contact with the "outside world."


they are probably happier :)

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I liked the tribes on Discovery I saw a few years back that when they went to war they had a canoe race to determine the outcome. Had to build a canoe and race it a ways. Then they would have a feast and be happy.


no, shooting people is much better. :rolleyes:

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"We have learned the location of an uncontacted tribe, so in the interests of preserving them, we are going to go scare the shit out of them with a Helicopter."


In a week, they'll all be dead. Half of them will want to worship the helicopter, half with want to worship the old gods, and they'll kill eachother over it just like we do.

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I busted out when I read this. I have no idea why, but it got me going. Phew, it's the little things I tell ya.


In case I am not the only one who hadn't heard of this before, there is actually a documented phenomena of this behavior: Cargo Cult


In attempts to get cargo to fall by parachute or land in planes or ships again, islanders imitated the same practices they had seen the soldiers, sailors, and airmen use. They carved headphones from wood and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. They waved the landing signals while standing on the runways. They lit signal fires and torches to light up runways and lighthouses. The cult members thought that the foreigners had some special connection to the deities and ancestors of the natives, who were the only beings powerful enough to produce such riches.


THAT cracks my shit up. I can just see a bunch of natives tapping their fake headphones, sitting in their fake control tower, trying to figure out how to give a plane clearance to land...

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In case I am not the only one who hadn't heard of this before, there is actually a documented phenomena of this behavior: Cargo Cult




THAT cracks my shit up. I can just see a bunch of natives tapping their fake headphones, sitting in their fake control tower, trying to figure out how to give a plane clearance to land...



I really did see a show about cargo cult, during ww2 marines landed on small islands off New Guinea, at the time it was the first time for them to see battle ships, planes flying over, let alone see white men, Still to this day the old timers in new guinea worship the marines, they believe the marines came from the depts of the active volcano on the island, and also called them "sgt smith" which they also think was a marine sgt on the island at one time that helped the islanders out with food ect. All over the island they still have marine flags draped over everything, and do taps every morning and night, and also march, they even showed a few guys acting like they where shooting machine guns, running around like crazy men, was kind of funny just guess you have to realize what these people have seen in there time ect.

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I really did see a show about cargo cult, during ww2 marines landed on small islands off New Guinea, at the time it was the first time for them to see battle ships, planes flying over, let alone see white men, Still to this day the old timers in new guinea worship the marines, they believe the marines came from the depts of the active volcano on the island, and also called them "sgt smith" which they also think was a marine sgt on the island at one time that helped the islanders out with food ect. All over the island they still have marine flags draped over everything, and do taps every morning and night, and also march, they even showed a few guys acting like they where shooting machine guns, running around like crazy men, was kind of funny just guess you have to realize what these people have seen in there time ect.


I saw that same show. It was very funny. They had american flags and everything.

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Now they've gone and done it. That was supposed to be a secret. Obama was going to reveal that after the election as one of his changes for the American people.
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In a week, they'll all be dead. Half of them will want to worship the helicopter, half with want to worship the old gods, and they'll kill eachother over it just like we do.



Well done.

And partially true. You gotta believe they're thinking the helicopter was an angry god or something...

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