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Murder dog for free


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Hey the lady I got my pitbull from called me and said she has another she wants to get rid of. It is a all white and a few brown spots female, almost 2yrs old and is crate trained and house broken. Has all its shots and has been fixed. I am taking the dog off of her hands this weekend and goin to keep her till I can find her a good home, I just dont need to two dogs. So if anyone wants her for free they can come get her this weekend. I wanna see her go to a good home. Not someone who will get rid of her or not care for her. She is the nicest dog and loves to cuddle.
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I will as soon as I pick her up sunday. You guys are more then welcome to come interact with her when I get her. I already went to see her last weekend. Very laid back dog, just likes to chill and is very very well trained. Like I said I will keep her if nobody wants her, I just wanna see if I cant get another person one of these great dogs.
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How is the new Pit law going to effect you?


This law is total BS. I can't believe a law like this could even have a possibility of passing. I have an AM Bulldog and this really scares me. Heres a link to AKC's site and what they have to say about it,and what you can do. http://www.akc.org/news/index.cfm?article_id=3506 Without getting all MTV rock the vote on you all, write your local congressman and tell them what BS this bill is!!!! Hope she gets a good home Sam, pits are great dogs.

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it doesnt.

The thought someone would actually try to pass something like that disturbs me. I would love to give that guy a piece of mind. People like that worry me. I mean, with that kind of thinking; fuck. Douchebaggery.

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