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Deer piss me off.....

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So tonight I was driving home from Sawmill on 270 south at around 11 PM, heading back towards Hilliard. I was approaching the Cemetery Rd exit, cruising along minding my own business, when all of a sudden some bitch ass deer decides to commit suicide by thrusting itself in front of my GTP. This was the result....










I am extremely mad about this. The car is 11 years old and has 132k miles, but it was in amazing condition until this. One year ago I had a very similar accident when I hit a deer while driving my Camaro. Apparently my cars are deer magnets.


Just for reference, these are a couple pics from earlier this month.....






The car WAS in great condition. Yes it could have been a lot worse, but I'm still pissed, especially since this has now happened to both of my cars in the past year.

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It looks like your fender could have impaled the deer lol


Yeah, the fender got twisted nicely at the front. My friends were driving behind me and they said that one of the deer's legs got completely ripped off on impact, and the deer's body went flying 20 feet into the air and landed in the ditch

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You should be thankful that the deer didn't come crashing through the windshield into you.


Yes, I am thankful. Like I said, it coulda been a lot worse, but I'm still mad about the whole thing.


Damn that sucks! We hit a deer so hard once that it literally shit on the hood of the car


Like this?




There's more shit of some sort splattered on various areas throughout the passenger side

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When you're going 70 mph, hitting anything that size is bound to do a little damage :(


This was a pretty big one too. I only caught a very quick glance, but I wouldn't be surprised if it weighed 300 lbs. or so

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i missed one by mere inches it seemed like. driving along on 70 and saw a brown flash in my path, no time for even just a OH SHIT and it was gone. i had a car full of people that freaked out as well. sorry to hear...
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