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Do we really want this guy to be pres?


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We have been screwed for the last 8 years I'm sure another 4 won't kill us



With Mccains wonder "Bomb Iran" Takes and agressive policy its possible we could have americans killed because of this not just soliders.

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Rick you ok?


Was your account hacked?

Obama- Scary dude that I think is a closet racist.

McCain- Closet Liberal.

Hillary- liberal but at least she admits it, and she is predictable in her actions.


I did not say she was a good choice. I said best choice. I will still vote for Paul though.

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the first person who says they will fight for lowering gas prices is who im voting for


yeah, but what they say on the trail and what they do in the oval office, more often than not, are two totally different things

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With Mccains wonder "Bomb Iran" Takes and agressive policy its possible we could have americans killed because of this not just soliders.


At least bombing Iran makes sense, unlike Obama's desire to bomb Pakistan without telling anyone why.

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