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V8 Beast

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oh and please inform me mr. columbus state how you have been in school longer than me, seeing as im older than you and I took post secondary in hs? and if you ve been at osu sooooo long, and this is your school, why does your myspace pg say columbus state? real big on that education I see.
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Because I don't update my fagspace page. I don't give a fuck about that site.


I was enrolled in college at 15 years old. If you birth date on here is correct, you're 1 month older than me. Oh noes, that is so much time! PSEO is Junior and Senior year. I started halfway through my Sophomore year.

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Different sports idiot. Powerlifting, look it up. I would never touch your car anyway. Honestly, you are the only person I would refuse service to.


I take the term "grease monkey" as a compliment. I am proud of my abilities. I have nothing to be ashamed of for being able to work on a car. You are insulting a large group of people that I really respect.


I'm not putting shit about training on my resume. It has absolutely nothing to do with the type of job I want. Knowledge has nothing to do with a resume either, grow up moron.



key words in this statement is you would service me, im not insulting the large group, I respect mechanics for the knowledge they do have, just not you , and ill grow up when you fuck off, peon

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key words in this statement is you would service me, im not insulting the large group, I respect mechanics for the knowledge they do have, just not you , and ill grow up when you fuck off, peon

You insulted the profession, not an individual. Maybe you need to learn how to direct your insults.

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how did you enroll in college at the age of 15? please explain how the state of ohio let just you at the age of 15 and with less than 18 credit hrs enroll in a post secondary coarse? unless you went to a trade class which doesn't count for shit once going for an engineering major. oh how would I know that you ask my mom is an interior desgin artist, she had to go back to school for that because her trade as a chef applied 0 credits towards her degree.
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how did you enroll in college at the age of 15? please explain how the state of ohio let just you at the age of 15 and with less than 18 credit hrs enroll in a post secondary coarse? unless you went to a trade class which doesn't count for shit once going for an engineering major. oh how would I know that you ask my mom is an interior desgin artist, she had to go back to school for that because her trade as a chef applied 0 credits towards her degree.

I did not go to trade school. I used a different option under PSEO. Damn, does it suck being retarded?

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I did not go to trade school. I used a different option under PSEO. Damn' date=' does it suck being retarded?[/quote']



heres how you answer that question. get up walk to the bathroom, flip on the switch, and look in the mirror.



I direct all my insults towards your goofy ass, cuz if I insulted the whole field I would said all mechanics, I didn't, I called your slow ass a grease monkey. now while your up, run to your second job and get me some fries and a milkshake bitch

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heres how you answer that question. get up walk to the bathroom, flip on the switch, and look in the mirror.



I direct all my insults towards your goofy ass, cuz if I insulted the whole field I would said all mechanics, I didn't, I called your slow ass a grease monkey. now while your up, run to your second job and get me some fries and a milkshake bitch

I don't have a second job, and I have never worked in fast food. I did manage two multi million dollar restaurants though.


You insulted me for working on cars. That is not an insult to one person, that is an insult to people who work on cars. Jesus you are stupid. Do I have to explain everything to you?

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i f that were the case I woukd being ripping on my friends craig and zach way more often, that's not the case, I just rip on guys that wear tampons cuz they act like bitches.when I use the word they I mean you. you are the biggest waste of space air, and sperm ever put on this earth. do us all a favor, go to your shop, stand under a lift with a car on it and let it down as fast as possible.
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i f that were the case I woukd being ripping on my friends craig and zach way more often, that's not the case, I just rip on guys that wear tampons cuz they act like bitches.when I use the word they I mean you. you are the biggest waste of space air, and sperm ever put on this earth. do us all a favor, go to your shop, stand under a lift with a car on it and let it down as fast as possible.

That wouldn't be easy to do. I guess you don't know how to use a lift. Are you just looking through old thread to find your insults? I know it's so hard to come up with new things to say.

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I'm fucking tired, I'll deal with you're retarded ass tomorrow. Please cut your wrists tonight. It's the best thing you can do, I'm sure you're worth more to the world dead. I told a girl to die and she got cancer. She is in remission, maybe you won't share her luck. Go die fuck hole.
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Phil...psst...there's safeties on the lifts, also hard to lower a lift while under a car.

Shut it, he's smarter than me because I work on cars. Too bad he doesn't even know that shit.

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your such a tool, in your sleep tonight come up with creative ways not to make it home tommarow, maybe driving as fast as the mustang of yours will take you into a semi, or when your driving jump out of the car on the freeway, or my favorite, tonight when your mommy is giving you your bubble bath, see how long you ca hold yourslef under the water wihtout holding your breath.
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Hal is not my only friend you big meanie! I know this because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog-gone-it... people like me!




I don't like you.





I don't honestly know what a "fagget" is, so, I will take it as a compliment. Thank you.


Well a "faggot" [sic] is a bundle of sticks. :)

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your such a tool, in your sleep tonight come up with creative ways not to make it home tommarow, maybe driving as fast as the mustang of yours will take you into a semi, or when your driving jump out of the car on the freeway, or my favorite, tonight when your mommy is giving you your bubble bath, see how long you ca hold yourslef under the water wihtout holding your breath.

Sorry to spoil your dreams, I'm still alive here. Your paragraph makes my eyes cry blood just trying to read it.


I've got an idea, why don't you and your friends let go of each other's dicks and go die. I don't care how you do it, it doesn't even have to be creative. Just die.

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You don't even make e-battling you hard. All someone has to do is read a post from you to know how stupid you are. I'm not sure why I even bother pointing out the idiocy and irony in most of your posts.
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