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SuperSloLT1, 04scantypeturbo, murderdoutmafia, 79lesspower,and Sinisterpedophile CREW

V8 Beast

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this i already know.:bangbang:

I have a Phil for sale if you are interested. Its a little dinged up and high on millage but still gets the job done. I actually have using it as a ball warmer but I hear it also makes great cookies.

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I have a Phil for sale if you are interested. Its a little dinged up and high on millage but still gets the job done. I actually have using it as a ball warmer but I hear it also makes great cookies.


hmm....i could really use some good cookies right about now.

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i find it to be funny that you call everyone else cocky, but yet your the one on here starting shit with everyone....

Hey, fuck you faggot. At least I know these idiots. You're too much of a bitch to even come out.

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I am cocky, my cockiness comes from your like of intelligence . who says I don't want to go out in this heat? you are acting ike a real biggity bitch. oh so what im a nut swinger, your brians personal bitch. brian tell you jump and you say how high, he tells you sit you say for how long, he says bend over and you get sooooooo excited. if I should have ended up in a back seat, you should have ended up on your moms face. and you r he one that looks like an unwrapped tampon in that prom suit of yours. now its milkshake time.

I'm just putting the irony in bold there.


I also am not Brian's bitch. I make Brian go where I am. Cause I am sweet.


Sorry my tux was sweet, it's not my fault you can't pull that shit off.

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Now it's milkshake time for us.


I'm done e-battling you. I'm going after the Pontiac noob now. What a fucking queer.


BTW Phil, you aren't on your way to your masters if you don't have your ba/bs yet.

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o really? cause i was out there saturday and im gonna be there next friday to...

Are you super duper cereal? Cause I have totally been out more times than I can count. Good job on being out 1 day and planning on another. Call me when you setup a meeting spot.

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I have a very large penis

sorry mexican s do not......



and you are mexican........




tell your wife/girlfriend to stop calling me so much..have to keep it on the down low

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ok so when you post your putting out your opinion, correct? thats the same thing we are doing. im sorry your only friend is brian, your his only friend too. but when its all said and done, and you two are laying close to eachother at night, you can complain about how cool cr used to be, and now its just not the same with uncool people like me,sinister ss, and sr4turbo.


ssmafia is on his own he sucks at ebattles.


Ummm I will roll/dig battle you...

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I have respect for two people in this thread . hal ( e battling is way more fun than calling people out) and brians dumb ass cause no one can e battle with him. ( not nut swinging just the truth)


the rest of you monkey fucks can all jump off a 1000 foot cliff with spike rocks at the bottem. aj you are next on my e battle list you prostate, paul fucking go back to school you reject. you have one srt not two. (strs) means plural you d-bag. firebird boy, grow some balls sell you car and get a t/a.


jack the ripper out.

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and you zach, your bitch ass doesn't want with me, ill rip you from scrwany limb to limb, the next time you make a ballsy post, you better not end it with, sorry guys don't ban me. you pussy grown some balls and just say it. fucking ricer
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I have respect for two people in this thread . hal ( e battling is way more fun than calling people out) and brians dumb ass cause no one can e battle with him. ( not nut swinging just the truth)


the rest of you monkey fucks can all jump off a 1000 foot cliff with spike rocks at the bottem. aj you are next on my e battle list you prostate, paul fucking go back to school you reject. you have one srt not two. (strs) means plural you d-bag. firebird boy, grow some balls sell you car and get a t/a.


jack the ripper out.


fuck you homo!!! :gtfo:

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fuck you homo!!! :gtfo:



you done fucked up now. welcome to the gauntlet bitch. you will never call me a homo, you fucking tagalong cookie. you are a professioional shot gun in my car. get you gears fixed and you can say something you pedafile.

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