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Can anyone explain to me WTF this is?


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I've seen these numerous times around the house. Mainly in the basement. WTF is it?








Yes pics kinda suck. there is NO macro option on my camera :( (it's cheap).

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Thanks Mike. They're just randomly showing up around the basement. Didn't know if they were harmful or not.


Hehe is it bigger than your hand? If not then no its not harmful. I see those running around all the time.



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lol I was just schooling Thorne and his wife on these Friday night when we found one running around near the ceiling.

This is the common House Centipede. Not originally a North American species. However, it is very common up here. They're harmless to humans and voracious eaters of all insects you'll find in the garage/basement/house. If they don't bother you, just let them be.


Just wanted to add that though I say "harmless" as with anything that carries venom, some people may react adversely. Either way, don't pet them.

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Centipedes like that never bothered me until I live in Texas for awhile and came up close with their big brothers. Some of the ones I saw at Camp Bullis were 8 inches long and 1 inch thick. From what we were all told, you really don't wanna fuck with them.
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