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senate: gov't "misrepresnted" iraq claims

cptn janks

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i mean really though, what solutions are available?


1) grab your gun and start a revolution

2) vote for someone else







I agree

I think a revolution may be in the future.

BTW... there is a lot of truth to the photo, but you forgot AIPAC then it is a three way kiss.

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Since V8beast has not been in this thread I assume you are talking to me.


LOL, ya with as much as you and I do the e-dance that was error most egregious. If we ever meet in person you have permission to whomp me upside the head. Fixed for continuity.


BOT, fixing the mess is no easy job. Every course of action has negative outcomes for someone. Though the civil war brewing there will happen whether we leave sooner or later so I'm of the GTFO opinion. I've said it before and will probably say again, Iran is where our defensive eye should be hovering.

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Iran is where our defensive eye should be hovering.


Sigh.... Whats wrong with being isolationists again?


Do we really need to go out and police the world? As Iraq has shown us, this only gives terroists and others that dont really care for the "Freedom" we so haphazardly toss about the globe, a front to fight and kill our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and loved ones. Ya for killing things!


Now im just waiting for the turn the whole place into glass comment from someone :p.

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^ you're mis-interpreting what I wrote. Ignoring world-events doesn't shield us from their reprocussions. I am absolutely against being the "world police" in any way, shape, or form. "Hovering eye" doesn't mean military brute force. More like intelligence gathering.


Though glassing the entire region is only good for us. :)

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^ you're mis-interpreting what I wrote.


I figured as much, I certainly wasn't trying to be a dick. I remember you saying something about always arguing w/ Dr. Rick... sounds like me ;).


The worst part about all this stuff (Iraq, Iran and Afgan.) is that the USA put the people that are/were ruling these countries in power. (I would love to blame this on republicans but they cant take 100% of it.) All this makes baby jesus cry.

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The biggest problem was that the so-called liberal media perpetuated the myth that Iraq had WMDs and were link to terrorism. NO ONE IN THE "LIBERAL" MEDIA QUESTIONED ANY OF IT! The White House provided ZERO evidence and the media didn't question it for a second.

If there had been any actual journalism being practiced I'd guess support for the war would've been completely different.

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^ the time was different. We had "suceeded" in afghanistan. The country was still writhing from the blow of 911. Still, plenty in the media questioned it. Particularly going against the UN's wishes and allies. Nobody really denounced the claims because our president was telling us there was a massive threat to our country. I bought it, and I don't feel bad about it. When they switched gears to "this is about a free iraq" I knew I had been had. I just don't understand how Clinton lies about what he did with his dick, and its impeachment. Bush lies about a multi-hundred billion dollar, taxpayer war, and nothing.
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Guest 614Streets



Really not to bad , I will give it a b minus , if the crust wasnt sweet It would easily be an A.


Its like a mild masseys with better sauce and worse crust.

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^ the time was different. We had "suceeded" in afghanistan. The country was still writhing from the blow of 911. Still, plenty in the media questioned it.


No, actually, they didn't and they STILL aren't (questioning it).

This story should be all over the news, instead they're to worried about what lapel pin Obama isn't wearing today.

The Democrats should be moving towards an impeachment but they're too limp wristed to go against the Bush White House.

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What's hilarious is all the shit I took from people (many on the board) for saying all this was going on AS it was going on.

People tried to tell you, but you didn't want to hear it. This betrays a level of poor judgment unbecoming a responsible voter. Those who voted Bush last time should have to sit this next one out, you're grounded. ;)

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No, actually, they didn't and they STILL aren't (questioning it).

This story should be all over the news, instead they're to worried about what lapel pin Obama isn't wearing today.

The Democrats should be moving towards an impeachment but they're too limp wristed to go against the Bush White House.


They aren't ???









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^ Plenty questioned it. Bush just used timing to push his issue. I remember people speaking out against the war, and being accused of sypathising with the terrorists. Its pretty simple, use the "us vs them" tsctic to label anyone who disagrees as part of the problem. Remember how high the support poles for the war were.
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