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dog parks


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we are continuously trying to socialize our 3mo lab pup. we've gone as far as taking her downtown for the columbus art fest and this weekend to comfest. (teach her to bite hippies).


so she is getting used to being around large groups of people, but as far as other dogs its been the ones around our neighborhood and with friends dogs. never more than 5 at a time.


the only logical step is a dog park. what are your experiences with dog parks? ive heard your dag can pick up some nasty habits if you dont watch em closely. we live in hilliard and google says the closest one is big run dog park

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I know a lot of people go to Alum Creek which I think your lab would love because there's water access. There's also one in Georgesville (the town not the road =) that you can take your dog to, but I believe they have to be on a leash (pretty sure it's part of darby creek park). This was on the news the other night and caught my attention.


I guess developing bad habits from other dogs from dog parks is like, kids getting bad habits from others at playgrounds. As long as they know you're the alpha male and you show it at home after you take him out to play with other dogs, I think he'll be just fine. He's young enough that you should be able to teach him good habits and he'll forget the bad.

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there is a corner of parie oaks metro park about 5mi w of us.(http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=EN&geocode=&saddr=40.009768,-83.25212&daddr=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=16&sll=40.009834,-83.252378&sspn=0.00802,0.018711&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16 ) i might try that today and shoot up to alum creek this weekend.
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I haven't had too much trouble at dog parks. When my dog was younger, <1 year, she was constantly being bullied by the male dogs, she is a ball of energy (Ridgeback/Boxer mix) and that usually gets the dogs irritated I guess. She started to hold her own, and things became normal after a few uncomfortable situations at the parks. I had to bitch smack some owners, since most are retarded and inconsiderate.


I think parks are a great idea, I know Lucy loves running with other dogs. Let me know if you want an easy going, hyper dog to play with your pup.


PS, lucy was constantly humping my brothers Doberman, which is now 90lbs. lol

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I"m in Hilliard too and there really isnt a close dog park. They are building one at Cosgray by Sports Ohio I hear that's supposed to open at the end of the summer :/ ..


Does your 3 mo old have all his shots? I dont think they had their last parvo shots till 4 months. Most dogs parks ask not bring dogs under 4 or maybe even 6 months.

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oh yea swimming. i really want to get her in the water....whats the best way? w/o tossing her in


My Boxer is about 4 months. My friend owns property by alum creek which back sup to one of the coves. Me and 2 friends went there with our dogs and we all just jumped in and all three dogs followed. I dont think she was expecting the water :D. After that she swam really well.

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we live by roberts and Hilliard roam road. i called the pets mart seeing if they could recommend a good place...you would have thought i asked to solve in inverse cosine of -6 w/o a calculator. we took her to the place i maped out above. it went well. a little cold, but she got in a few times.
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I take my saint out to Big Walnut all the time. Its on the east side,livingston ave, but its a huge park with a place for them to swim too. Theres usually a lot of people there, and I've never had a bad experience.
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There is a really nice one in Gahanna it is all fenced in and there are always a ton of dogs there. They also have water for the dogs, a small creek, and a bunch of toys. I can't remember exactly where it is though so I don't know how much help I actually am.
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The one on the East side by Walnut Ridge is nice.

There is one off Schrock Road which is ok.

And one at Alum Creek.

I think there is one in Delaware too?


Those are the ones I know of. I want to get my dog to swim too. She plays in the water but wont actually swim. I think she may follow me in somewhere if I can go in the water..

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I've been to most of the dog parks around Columbus. I really like Alum Creek and the Gahanna Dog park off Hamilton Rd. It's just north of the Airport GC.


Just make sure to watch your dog when you go to the Alum Creek water park. All three of my dogs have came down with Giardi after swimming there. I don't allow them to swim at the water park anymore b/c it's way too expensive for medication to kill the Giardi (All three cost me about $600). I don't want to run the risk ever again.


I don't really like the park off Livingston. It looks really nice, but most of the people there are stupid. Everytime we've been at that park there has been several dominant Pit Bulls with stupid owners who couldn't control them.


yea our lab has just started humping also. naturally we started saying "sexy time" and praising her in hopes that we can train her to hump on command.


You should not praise that action. The dog will just become dominant and start doing other things you don't find as comical, like pissing on things throughout your house.



No one still hasn't set up a CR dog park outing which I'd totally be down for.

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