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Injector Knife!


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So basically a knife that simulates an industrial accident? Neat, but it doesn't really need the blade if its going to be a thrust weapon. It would be more effective as a long spike, like an ice pic.


But as a blade, it's usefulness is greater.

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It's a closed combat weapon. as in within arms reach. A polearm would be useless if someone or something was only a couple feet away from you.


A polearm is a close combat weapon. Try googling it.

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Quit being fucking nerds. Of course anything that shoots freezing gas will be improved. You can apply it to ANY weapon to increase badassness.


A fucking ninja star that releases the shit on impact would be equally if not more badass.


Freezing knumbchucks.

A bullet that as it enters releases the shit and freezes your innards.

A jousting stick that freezes the other rider.

A extra cold sharp icecicle.



Endless possibilities.

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A polearm is a close combat weapon. Try googling it.



Yeah I know what it is. I'm just saying that within arms reach its tougher to use cause of its length. If the attacker manages to get within a foot or two it would be alot harder to manuver than a simple knife.

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Yeah I know what it is. I'm just saying that within arms reach its tougher to use cause of its length. If the attacker manages to get within a foot or two it would be alot harder to manuver than a simple knife.


Most polearms are supposed to be either used to stab someone straight on, or (my favorite) like an axe. You need to be pretty close to slice an axe into someone...

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If the attacker manages to get within a foot or two it would be alot harder to manuver than a simple knife.


The point is to viciously perforate them BEFORE they get that close. And you can do a LOT of damage at close range with one too, a 6 foot length of inch-and-a-half thick oak is a welcome friend when the discussion becomes personal.....

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The initial gas release is extremely cold, and can snap-freeze all tissue and organshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ in the area surrounding the blast, which has a devastating and instant effect on the hapless victim. The effect is compounded if used on an underwater predator - not only is there the instant shock and freezing effect, but the large injection of air causes the recipient to float upwards, and as it rises and the atmospheric pressure decreases, the ball of air continues to expand with catastrophic consequences.


The WASP Injector Knife is also virtually silent when discharged inside an enemy's flesh - not that the enemy can be expected to remain silent through such internal trauma - but it effectively maintains the knife's potential as a stealth killing option while massively multiplying its lethality.



that part right there made me lawl. seriously.

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