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Drunk older women on the lake


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So me and linn and some other were out at buckeye lake and see a pontoon boat full of older drunk ladies so we decide to tie up next to them to get free beer from them. Well one of the drunk messes got on my boat and decided to give everyone a dance. This girl was so drunk she hit her head on the boat which I thought she knocked herself out, her foot was bleeding from kicking the boat and what not. Anyways I had to get her off the boat before total destruction happened but it was still funny non the less.



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Buckeye lake woman at their best! I was at Papa Boos last night for my highschool reunion and some lady walked by and flashed me and 2 of my buddies.


Wait, quick question...if she was so nasty why did you let her on the boat to begin with, free beer isnt worth having to deal with drunk nastyness

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LOL @ Sam... Bitch get off my shit before you break it with yo stankin ass.


Yeah she about broke that window, it is locked down and when she sat on it she pulled up on it, not hard enough but it could of been alot worse for her if she broke that lock.

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