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Fuck this guy.


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Guest bimmer95
cuz of global warming.

I'm really tired of all the idiots buying in to the "global warming" BS and all the asshats in Hollywood trying to shove it down are throats. Besides, the plants should be happy if there was warming and increased CO2. Cold kills plants and they breathe CO2.

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wow, i'm glad I only dl'd the happening and not went to the movies b/c that movie sucks ass. I also hated the village too. nothing like thinking the movie is one thing then in the end feeling like you just got bent over you're chair when he turns it aorund on u and makes the movie completely retarded. went from "hey dont go in the woods the monsters will get u" to " yea, we only wore those costumes so ppl wouldn't get out and realize they're just in a closed off colony from the rest of the world as a experiment" LOL gay
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shamalan movies aren't always awesome, but he seems to put a lot of effort into them


some of the story lines are dull and boring endings, but somehow i still want to watch them all the way through

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I'm really tired of all the idiots buying in to the "global warming" BS and all the asshats in Hollywood trying to shove it down are throats. Besides, the plants should be happy if there was warming and increased CO2. Cold kills plants and they breathe CO2.


yeah and they supply us with oxygen too. but the world is becoming less plant and more concrete every day.

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