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We got smoked in Galloway.


Now it's the rain. I've got 14' of water out back, my street is covered, and my sump pump isn't keeping up. Water in the sump is 1" from the top right now. I predict a wet basement. :(

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I don't follow this?? Explain for the dumb who have had little sleep...


a little trick i use when sump cant keep up... stick a two liter bottle with lid screwed on in the hole. it doesn't stop the water just cuts it down enough that the sump can keep up. keeps the basement dry.
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I don't think I've ever heard so much thunder and seen so much lightning in my life, it was near constant for a couple hours last night.


Agreed. I've followed many storms; severe weather is a hobby. I have never been more nervous about a cell's proximity to me than last night. I'm just a jog from West Broad, along the path of the cell, and I believe that if it was tornadic I was easily less than a half-mile from where it would have produced - I dare speculate closer to a quarter mile.


It was kind of odd how it shook down - I got up to get a drink of water, awakened by distant thunder. I walked out of my room, turned off a hall light I assumed our roommate left on when she went to bed, but she called down to me and said there was a tornado warning and asked if that was why I was up. I had no idea as it was still very calm, flipped on the TV and caught a glimpse of the radar while the thunder and lightning amped up 1000% percent in what seemed like a few seconds. Poked my head out the door and the wall cloud was just becoming visible as I looked to the immediate north with the west blocked from view by my porch - that was all I needed to see to know that if it was tornadic, we were right in the worst place. I woke my wife up quickly, glued one eye to the radar, and watched the wall cloud roll by just to the north of the house. I haven't been that close to a wall cloud since my early SkyWarn days - kind of makes me wish I hadn't given it up. :)


So, anyone feel like helping me cut a hole in my house for a second sump pump drain? :o

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Damn horns woke my ass up...I just looked out the window...Me saw nothing. Thunder was shaking the place and so loud I actually began to worry. Not seen a storm like that in a while...I started to head to the basement. Reminded me of that part on "war of the worlds' when him and his daughter were in the yard looking and all hell broke loose and they ran in...Me and GF at window and ran in basement....lmao!!
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We got smoked in Galloway.


Now it's the rain. I've got 14' of water out back, my street is covered, and my sump pump isn't keeping up. Water in the sump is 1" from the top right now. I predict a wet basement. :(


this is a warning, from the earth. earth is not happy.

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I was busy geting busy with the wife. Damn sirens fucking up my play time.



me to I love getting busy with your wife. jkjk im sorry,


naw I had the gf over, and my brother kept me up cuz his gf and him were getting it on in the bed next to us. so I just started drinking and singing.

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my brother kept me up cuz his gf and him were getting it on in the bed next to us.


Oh oh, even better than his story....what did you see....lol


me to I love getting busy with your wife.


She's great. right?





Leave him be...I'm getting nothing over here!!! Stories >

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Chris, I can help if it involves cutting holes in things :D

Just give Kevin a sawzall.


this is a warning, from the earth. earth is not happy.

That's what I've been saying. With all the earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. Mother nature is pissed off and trying to kill all of us.

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he was in my room, I was watching family guy and my gf was online, next thing I know he goes to my condom drawer, walks back to the other bed and I look over and he is rabbit pumping his gf. my girl started laughing, I started drinking and all these really funny songs came into my head at once. plus watched the shaq rap .
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