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Outdoor Rec Soccer? Anyone play?


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Thanks for the private messages guys- things are coming together...


I am going to leave this open until friday before posting results IE 7 or 11, coed or male, what location, and what cost to be paypal'd to me or check directly to our chosen organization if you are more comfortable that way.


For clarification as far as location to play the options are Westerville or Dublin. I apologize for making that vague.

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So that the thread does not lose momentum I will comment on the results today....


Unless we have a major surge by tomorrow evening it looks like the only way we are going to make it work is to play a 7 person coed open league at soccer first in dublin on Tuesday evenings. The westerville league doesn't offer a 7 person league in our age group and we only have 9 males that have tentively expressed interest with 2 specifying interest in the westerville league only-


We need 2 women on the field at all times, 1-2 woman subs and 2-3 male subs.


Therefore we need 7 or 8 guys and 3-4 women. I think we may have the guys covered with the location conflicts but we need 3-4 women. My wife said she would play to make it work. So we need 2-3 women and we can make a team anyone's wife/gf want to play as well? Experience is not necessary just a willingness to run and try to kick the ball in the right direction ;-)


Let me know- otherwise we better shoot for indoor first season.


Thanks to everyone that has expressed interest thus far!

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Ok it looks like we will be playing coed open on Tuesday evenings at Soccer First. My wife is down, Mr. Wright seems to have a female lined up, we just need 1-2 more females and we are good to go if the guys that expressed interest are able to play tuesday evenings at soccer first in Dublin. Here is the tentative list.


Konig_twinkies (M1)

Konig_twinkies females pending (F?)

Iceman (M2)

Cobra Rabbit (M3)

Z06G (M4)

Stimmel (M5)

jfiveeight (M6)

Medium Fast (M7)

Mr. Wright (M8)

Mr. Wright's female (F1)

hpfiend (M9)

hpfiend's wife (F2)


Goal: 8-9 Males 4 Females. 7 Players on field, 2 must be female, 1-2 female subs, 3-4 male subs


Please let me know if you would like to be removed from the list if I have made a mistake. If this doesn't work no biggie- we will shoot for indoor as we have more than enough tentative interest for that.

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We need women first..


But yes we do need two solid color t-shirts and shin gaurds to play if we can get the right numbers


Orion that is why I did not include you on the list as you had mentioned you could not play in dublin. Unfortunately with the numbers we have we cannot field an 11 person team and there are not 7 person teams in westerville.

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