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Crazy night Gun pulled and more... CREW

Guest EM1 2ENVY

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i jump out of my car with his brother and the dude goes in his car and pulls out a gun. they start to back up i (either being really stupid, or just seeing through this guys eyes thinking he is not going to do shit.) i start charging at him. Yelling pull the trigger, pull it bitch. i get closer and closer to him, as he starts to back up!! i was going to grab at it but he had it pointed at me with his finger on the trigger. He then starts waving it in the air, i said if you dont put that gun back in your car im going to snap on you. The guy puts the gun in the car,


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It's a damn shame that guy didn't do the world a favor and turn your head into a fucking canoe.


Let me re-state what's already been clearly pointed out:

1. YOU confronted HIM. You all were the aggressors.

2. He didn't just randomly whack your friend with a baton. Your friend said or did something to deserve it.

3. Batons are a bad idea.

4. You didn't didn't tell him to pull the trigger. You cried like a little bitch.

5. You're Civic Steve, most definitely not a badass.

6. He backed away because that's what a CCWer is SUPPOSED to do in that situation.

7. You and your little faggot friends should have been the ones getting arrested. 3 against 1? seriously. Tell your friend to grow some balls.

8. You're still gay.



I think that about sums this thread up.

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Lets take a real look at these statements.



It's a damn shame that guy didn't do the world a favor and turn your head into a fucking canoe. Nobody deserves to die for a verbal argument, after the confronted uses a weapon.


Let me re-state what's already been clearly pointed out:

1. YOU confronted HIM. You all were the aggressors. maybe, but the guy did use a deadly weapon oin his friend.

2. He didn't just randomly whack your friend with a baton. Your friend said or did something to deserve it. all verbal arguments deserve assult with a deadly weapon.

3. Batons are a bad idea. and they hurt. don ask me how i know.

4. You didn't didn't tell him to pull the trigger. You cried like a little bitch. no comment

5. You're Civic Steve, most definitely not a badass. no comment

6. He backed away because that's what a CCWer is SUPPOSED to do in that situation. correct

7. You and your little faggot friends should have been the ones getting arrested. 3 against 1? seriously. Tell your friend to grow some balls.no comment

8. You're still gay.no comment

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There are some MAJOR details missing from this story and im sure the OP does not want to disclose them.


But i cant think of any GOOD reason to actually confront someone that can not be handled legally.


Back up was brought cause there was the potential for a problem.


Glad your ok but i think your lucky your alive and not a hero.

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Guest EM1 2ENVY
ill post the police report so you can see the whole thing, thats why we walked and he went to jail. no ccw permit either. kyle did nothing to get hit with the baton, this is some bitch ass who is a punk. kyle didnt raise a hand. i ran to his help
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He's a lot younger than you too. What would you have done when you were 20 and didn't have kids (and maybe not a wife at the time?)?


I'm not saying he wasn't stupid, but you look at things a lot different when you are younger.


I didn't look at things differently when I was 20. That's why I never got shot in the face let alone had a gun pulled on me for being a dipshit.

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By details what was there a confrontation for in the first place.


Ill spell it slow for you





Was he telling momma jokes?


Did he call you or someone you know a bad name?


Did he rape someone you know?


Did he owe you money?


There is a major detail missing as to why this guy was visited.


And fuck a police report i know what i told them back when i used to get in trouble. I would tell them WHATEVER i needed to get out of whatever trouble i would have got into.


I doubt we will know what really happened.


So basically you are lucky you were not shot

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this is some bitch ass who is a punk. kyle didnt raise a hand. i ran to his help


3 guys confronting a guy as he gets off work, when he is the most vulnerable, is the definition of being a "bitch ass punk". Man up and fight mano a mano or don't fight at all.



so the guy struck Kyle before Kyle did anything. Someone has to initiate the first blow for any confrontation. I'd put a large wager though, that given the idea to confront this guy in the first place, there is a history between the two where previous actions has warranted (for the guy) striking Kyle first. Maybe showing up in force, this guy thought he should try to take out at least one before he got jumped by all three.


You "ran to his help" after the gun was produced, otherwise you were there to "help back up Kyle", aka "jump the dude with Kyle." It's text book adolescence. We've all been there, we know how the story changes to help save face once the odds or situation turns for the worse.

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I think what most people are trying to say is learn from this! I understand that there is probably more to the story then you can say, so people are left to fill in the blanks with their imagination, but just think about crap like this. There are lots of crazy people in the world and in your case, you're lucky enough that he wasn’t crazy enough to shoot you.


Weather you were there to back him up, threaten, intimidate, confront, or just sit back and watch, why are you (or I guess your friend) approaching a guy in a parking lot at night after work? Especially if you suspect that it’s not on such good terms? Instead you tell your friend, “Hey call him up and meet him Saturday afternoon, I’ll go with you!” Sure the ending of that story isn’t as cool, but….


The other thing to learn is look at from the gunman’s view. Maybe he hit you friend for no reason (like you said) because he thought he was big shit and it was just him and your friend. Now he sees you and another guy jump out of 2 separate cars from the shadows (because according to you, he couldn’t even see you). He may not have known how many people you had and now he’s out numbered so he grabs a gun. What if he just started shooting in any direction? What if he hit someone else in the parking lot? What if he did pull the trigger?


I don’t know you, but I’m glad you’re okay. There are so many bad things in the world that can happen to anyone of us that we can’t control, there’s no reason to put yourself into bad situations if you can control it. It was a brave thing to due, but equally as stupid.

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I was a repo man for six years and still repo the occosional car but i do it ninja style now.


I have beaten on more doors in bad neighborhoods then probally all of this board combined. And mind you i was there to take there shit from them. Wether it be furniture there car there tv there kids bed and i was good at it.

Hell i used to repo big screen TVs from Uzi Alli after dark on a friday night.


The reason i state this is cause in the 30k doors i have beat on in poor broken down areas I have only had a gun pulled on me ONE TIME. The guy even apologized afterwards cause he thought i was someone else who he had DRAMA with.


There was some shit going on for this dude to react like he did.

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It's a damn shame that guy didn't do the world a favor and turn your head into a fucking canoe.


Let me re-state what's already been clearly pointed out:

1. YOU confronted HIM. You all were the aggressors.

2. He didn't just randomly whack your friend with a baton. Your friend said or did something to deserve it.

3. Batons are a bad idea.

4. You didn't didn't tell him to pull the trigger. You cried like a little bitch.

5. You're Civic Steve, most definitely not a badass.

6. He backed away because that's what a CCWer is SUPPOSED to do in that situation.

7. You and your little faggot friends should have been the ones getting arrested. 3 against 1? seriously. Tell your friend to grow some balls.

8. You're still gay.



I think that about sums this thread up.


steve as in Turbohatch steve??? from this thread??



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*With so much drama in the w-v, its kind of hard being EM1-2-ENVY*


Glad you weren't shot. Hopefully you learn from your mistake and avoid situations like these in the future. I will be getting my CCW soon, if I see 3 people coming at me aggressively I'm shooting. He didn't, so feel lucky. It just comes down to this ... is whatever beef your boy had with this guy, worth you getting killed over? I seriously doubt it. Protecting your friends and loved ones is admirable, but like so many said before, without the details, we can't make an educated opinion.

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Oh boy. I hope you learn something in your class.


Learn what, that if I am going to be attacked I'll defend myself ?


Or about transcendental numbers or something ?


am I the only one who doesn't read something over 3 lines long that isn't broken up into paragraphs


Over 3 lines needs paragraphs ?

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im glad your ok. I would have kinda done the same thing excpet when my friends go out for a situation like that we go strapped. you never no what is going to happen. we don't pull for show, if we have to show the heat, someones getting it. im just glad your ok man, some people don't get so lucky
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I didn't look at things differently when I was 20. That's why I never got shot in the face let alone had a gun pulled on me for being a dipshit.


Well that makes you 1 in 1million who didn't act like an idiot when they were a kid. I bet everyone else in this thread thinks they never acted like an idiot when they were a kid either... only on CR.

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