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Anyone work at saint anns?


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Guest mrhobbz
My wife is up here right now and I would like to ready her chart myself. I am curious howt o get my hands on it or if its kosher to just ask.


Just ask them. Most places don't have a problem letting you do it.

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I'm not a MD, But I'm well read and can read online about the things I see. I grew up with a Mom who worked as a nurse. I read all of her books and have atleast a idea about what I'm looking out.


For exmaple her WBC is 28. Thats extremly high. They believe she has a infection in her blood and celllitues or osmething shit i dunno I'm a mess I just got back from funeral home.

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hippa laws won't alow them to show it to you. have your wife ask to see it and she can show you. Your wife on Dialysis? and you mean 28000 WBC. that would indicate an infection. and if her infection continues or gets worse her WBC could drop very low indicating depletion of WBC stores. Remember normal is 4-10K.


PS my wife is a dialysis nurse, s she is sitting here telling me what to say.


Hope everything works out for her!

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No not Dialysis. I guesse K because they did say normal was 4-10. I had not had time to read much online because I've been busy between funeral.


They did let me look at them I had no problem. Shit the computer was left unlocked and I could have read everyones but I did not.


I also relized that there are way to many security issues with the current setup. They need to have scan cards to login and when the card is pulled to got a new room it locks. I could have trojaned that box and really had a hayday It scared me.

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Hippa laws are very strict. Unless she's assigned you as a POA (power of attorney) or signed a release form they probably won't be able to tell you much. Hope she's doing ok though!!


You missed the part where I already read it.

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No not Dialysis. I guesse K because they did say normal was 4-10. I had not had time to read much online because I've been busy between funeral.


Wait so this thread went from you wanting to read your wife's charts to planning her funeral? I hope I misread this, sorry to hear and I hope everything gets better.

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28k is pretty high for a WBC count, for just cellulitis. i don't work at st. anne's anymore. get this, if i get blood work done, i'm not allowed to look at my own results, even though i'm a physician, and work at the hospital--its a HIPAA violation!!!
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