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Time to think...

V8 Beast

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I often feel as though I am cursed because I do not have the ingnorance gene. I like to think and go through everything with a fine tooth comb which leaves me worried, scared, and often looking for a solution for situations I have no control over. Ignorance must be bliss because knowing definitley isnt.


How many of you are like this? How many of you think about wars, violence, senseless acts, and wonder how do we control this? As people it's a shame that we have not evolved past violence. Its a shame that the world does not share with each other. Its a shame that we charge money for land that doesnt belong to us. Its a shame that we allow our government feels they have to bully other countries. Its a shame that oil companies feel they can mess up our economy so that they can make an extra buck. Its a shame that we can justify making a bomb for millions of dollars just to drop it in the dessert to see if it works. If human beings from every country spent as much money on world peace as we do on war (and preparing for it) we wouldnt have to worry about war half as much. After all of these centuries you would think we would have evolved.. but for some reason we still act like cavemen figting over the last piece of deer meat.


At this point the only advances we are making are to fix things we messed up while advancing.....

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Cant drink.. taking vicodin


The best time to drink is when eating vicodin. You know that label that says "alcohol may intensify this"? That is just another way of saying drinking will be awesome.

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Unlike you V8 Beast, I can put the political and economical situations out of my mind because I really couldn't care less about them. However, if they do come up and someone prods my mind about them, I typically get very frustrated with everything, and who we are as a nation-- probably why I don't like to think about it. Instead I focus on myself; Who I am as a person and what am I doing for my future. This I tend to think about most, and at times it can be overwhelmingly great, or really depressing.


I think as humans it's natural to think about stuff that revolves around us, that manipulate and change our lives every day.. don't let it get the best of you is what I tell myself.. let everything play out as they should, and live with what comes.

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Violence is a way of life. And if our American way of life is ever threatened again, I enjoy being the one to do Uncle Sam's biddings. We don't bully anybody, but we can utilize our long distance calling plan when needed to answer to those that mean to do us harm. There are thousands out there, that would give their life just to kill you, your family, your way of living and this great America.
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Unlike you V8 Beast, I can put the political and economical situations out of my mind because I really couldn't care less about them.


Turning your back on an issue that you know is there isnt the same as not knowing about it at all. Way too many people turn their back and ignore whats going on in hopes that other people will fix it. To be honest you being one person wont help the situation, but when you have millions thinking just like you nothing gets done...



Violence is a way of life. And if our American way of life is ever threatened again, I enjoy being the one to do Uncle Sam's biddings. We don't bully anybody, but we can utilize our long distance calling plan when needed to answer to those that mean to do us harm. There are thousands out there, that would give their life just to kill you, your family, your way of living and this great America.


Thats the point. Violence should not be a way of life. People all over the world will spend more time taking what others have rather than working hard for it or finding alternatives. We always find an excuse to fight. Religion, color of skin, money, oil, false threats, better land, food.. etc etc. It would be nice for people to find reasons not to fight for a change.


The issue about us being a bully can be debated, but one thing that cant be debated is that a lot of countries feel like we are. A lot of countries are also getting more power and feel that in order to be number one they have to take out the big man on campus. I would rather see us putting money into changing our perception and working towards peace rather than risking a fight on our own soil to prove how tuff we are.

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Wierd thought... If aliens tried to take over the world do you think we would team up to fight against them? Or do you think we would make a deal and help them destroy the world in exchange for half of it?????
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Wierd thought... If aliens tried to take over the world do you think we would team up to fight against them? Or do you think we would make a deal and help them destroy the world in exchange for half of it?????


I'd still sit here not caring. Probably go buy a lot of beer and watch everyone freak out.

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Thats the point. Violence should not be a way of life. People all over the world will spend more time taking what others have rather than working hard for it or finding alternatives. We always find an excuse to fight. Religion, color of skin, money, oil, false threats, better land, food.. etc etc. It would be nice for people to find reasons not to fight for a change.


The issue about us being a bully can be debated, but one thing that cant be debated is that a lot of countries feel like we are. A lot of countries are also getting more power and feel that in order to be number one they have to take out the big man on campus. I would rather see us putting money into changing our perception and working towards peace rather than risking a fight on our own soil to prove how tuff we are.

There's going to be war, far before there ever is a "peace". I agree there are about a billion reasons people are fighting all over the globe, but a lot of fighting has been going on for ages. I personally hate this new society of "non-violence" crap. A real objective/goal is always peace, but in some regions, it will never happen. Tribal warfare for instance say in Africa and the regions surrounding it. Lebanon is a hot zone of fighting, and so is the west bank/Gaza strip. We could put more money towards peace, but I'd rather see a superior military prevail, with the limit of casualties to personel on the ground doing all the work. But again, remember there are those out there that hate you for being American. They don't know you, don't see how hard you work, but hate you and your family. Hate your American lifestyle of hard work, money, and material pocessions. It boils down to their pure jealousy of our AMERICAN ways. That's why there will not be peace for us inside the United States of America, because we will always be the target for the world. People will always hate us, but want into our country and adopt our ways and live our life. This is why peace will not be an obtainable thing for years to come. Be ready for more coming this way BTW, (just a heads up from those I know in the Intel world)

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Wierd thought... If aliens tried to take over the world do you think we would team up to fight against them? Or do you think we would make a deal and help them destroy the world in exchange for half of it?????

If it was a world wide thing, I think we'd come together for it. I see zombies coming first though, and I'm preparing for them.

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I really don't worry about too much. I continue to try and carve my own path and let the rest, especially stuff outside my control go on around me without affecting me much. Life is too short. Be happy.
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Dropping a bomb isnt going to stop hate.... well, it will stop the ones hating now. But then their children will grow up hating us for killing their dad and start a new generation of hate.


Violence doesnt really solve anything. It just forces the weak to adopt the lifestyle and views of the more dominant.

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Darwin's shit just takes too long.....


I lol'd :D


If it was a world wide thing, I think we'd come together for it. I see zombies coming first though, and I'm preparing for them.


I'm not worried about zombies because I know you would come and pick me up in a semi with about 7 trillion rounds. Then you would drop me off at the other semi with enough rations to get through 3 years.

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Violence doesnt really solve anything. It just forces the weak to adopt the lifestyle and views of the more dominant.

Does that hold true for WWII? Does it hold true from 9/11? Does peace really solve anything, other than adopting weak ideals, and open themselves to those that are more dominant. Self-defense is right, and so is the security of one's nation. Those should soley be the basis for conflict in my opinion. Other than that fuck the rest of the world, I'm sick of everyone trying to help other countries out when we as the US, need to help our own in need.

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