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Griffin vs Jackson


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Im surprised no one has posted about it yet but I heard a rumor Griffin took him in 5 rounds and it went to decision. this true?


I tried looking on http://www.fightviewer.com for the fight but didnt find anything worth while. Does anyone else know where I can find this fight online? hopefully the whole fight not just highlights. Im looking on youtube but not finding anything.

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This UFC sucked ass. Every fight went 3 rounds, not much action. And they were on Forests ass all night. The way they were talking, I can't believe they even made them fight, should have just given it to Forest. lol.


Forest kind of reminds me of Chris Byrd. Points a lot, but doesn't do much. Though, his leg kicks were nasty!



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the koscheck/lytle and griffin/jackson fight were both good fights. Forrest fought the smartest fight of his career. he got his knicks in a backed out. I think jackson hits harder than anyone in the ufc. but those leg kicks won him the fight.
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The second round definitely won him the fight. While Jackson was on the ground he didn't seem to do very much punishment to him and let him recover. Quinton had way more power shots and I have no idea how Griffin stayed standing on some of those uppercuts. Kudos to him. I would have folded like origami. Griffin showed a lot of versatility and multiple avenues of attack and I think that won him the fight. Had it not been for that second round I don't think he would have taken the decision.


Personal favorite quote of the night was when Joe Rogan compared Lytle's cut to a goats vagina.

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The Lytle/Koscheck fight was a goats vagina.....on the rag. That shit bled like crazy.


I can't believe they Griffin won. I was pulling for him, but I wanted the decision to be just point blank in your face. Forrest can take a beating though. What great presence he has to not getting knocked the fuck out. He would get tagged a couple of times and just back out. I was impressed with that ability. Forrest seemed very crisp in the early rounds.


205 is one hell of a wieght class

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I thought it was a great fight too. Both the post game interviews showed they were some good guys.. Griffin saying how hard Jackson hit and he's already dreading fighting him again, "Even when I block them they hurt".

And Jackson was a stand up guy! I was blown away by his comments after losing a close fight in a decision when he said Griffin kicked his ass. The rest of his interview was funny too. "When you step in their it's a 50/50 chance you're gonna get your ass handed to you. I'm no stranger to gettin my ass kicked."

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Forrest won that fight for 5 reasons:


1. He pressed the action the whole fight. He never let QRJ attack, it was always counter attacks.


2. 2nd round... 4 minutes of QRJ on his back... something we dont see very often.


3. Leg kicks, leg kicks, body kicks, head kicks, and more leg kicks. Using multiple types of attacks is important on a scorecard.


4. Anytime Forrest went to his back, he stood himself back up pretty quick.


5. He hurt QRJ pretty good with thos leg kicks. He wasnt nearly as mobile or on the attack much after that. He was in protect mode and that prevented him from doing any kind of charging into Forrest and fighting him real close.

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I thought it was a great fight too. Both the post game interviews showed they were some good guys.. Griffen saying how hard Jackson hit and he's already dreading fighting him again, "Even when I block them they hurt".

And Jackson was a stand up guy! I was blown away by his comments after losing a close fight in a decision when he said Griffen kicked his ass. The rest of his interview was funny too. "When you step in their it's a 50/50 chance you're gonna get your ass handed to you. I'm no stranger to gettin my ass kicked."



Yea, Rampage continues to impress me with his professionalism. I don't know him personally...but seems like a good role model. A lot of the guys are, but Rampage goes from looking like he's going to kill anything he get's in the ring with to....just sheer humbleness. Rampage is a really good guy


The rematch, may not be the same....it is a 50/50 chance.

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Rampage's trainer said he would retire if he lost, Rampage and his whole crew talked so much shit, I dont see how you can be impressed by his professionalism.... Did you even listen to his interview with ESPN a day before the fight? He is an obnoxious thug from Memphis.
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Rampage's trainer said he would retire if he lost, Rampage and his whole crew talked so much shit, I dont see how you can be impressed by his professionalism.... Did you even listen to his interview with ESPN a day before the fight? He is an obnoxious thug from Memphis.



Yea, but that's all in the "hype" of the fight.


Talking that much trash, getting your ass whooped, and then walking up to the mic and telling people it was basically a hell of a fight. If he would have talked shit right after the fight.......I would feel different.

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Yea, but that's all in the "hype" of the fight.


Talking that much trash, getting your ass whooped, and then walking up to the mic and telling people it was basically a hell of a fight. If he would have talked shit right after the fight.......I would feel different.


hmm ok. :confused:

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that was a lot of blood from lytle! i thought he might pass out from blood loss lol


yea and i didn't give griffin enough credit. he is good but i think the reach advantage plus the leg kicks is what saved him. i was also impressed with rampage's defense, if only he had been more aggresive he would've won one or two more rounds.

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that was a lot of blood from lytle! i thought he might pass out from blood loss lol


I actully got up and walked away from the last 30 seconds or so because i thought that it was absolutly rediculous. When i guy is losing pints of blood, and gets up and cant even walk strait... its time to stop the fight. I guess they really only stop it for blood if it effects the vision.


yea and i didn't give griffin enough credit. he is good but i think the reach advantage plus the leg kicks is what saved him. i was also impressed with rampage's defense, if only he had been more aggresive he would've won one or two more rounds.


What did you think good fighters do? Didnt you ever watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? All good competitors train and use stratagy that compliments thier strengths... Forrest knew he could hit as hard... so he didnt get in too close. He knew QRJ didnt spend a lot of time on his back, so if he had the opertunity, take it to the ground. He knew that QRJ sticks that left leg out so far that it could easily get kicked. If the man cant stand, he cant fight. Forrest may look goofy, and act goofy, but the man can take a beating, and he knows how to win a score card.

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I don't think he did enough to win the belt away from Quinton. Some of you may not understand this, but I will add it anyway.


I don't think he did enough to win the belt away from Quinton, however, Forrest may've done enough to have kept the belt had he held it to begin with.


Remember, this isn't Pride rules. UFC scoring is setup and based after western boxing scoring system. Therefore, I really didn't see Griffin winning the majority of rounds. Too typing lazy to get into details, so I'll just leave it at my opinion. :)


Yes, there were alot of long fights, but there were some pretty good ones, too. Don't know how many of you saw all the preliminary fights. They were pretty good.

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I don't think he did enough to win the belt away from Quinton. Some of you may not understand this, but I will add it anyway.


I don't think he did enough to win the belt away from Quinton, however, Forrest may've done enough to have kept the belt had he held it to begin with.


Remember, this isn't Pride rules. UFC scoring is setup and based after western boxing scoring system. Therefore, I really didn't see Griffin winning the majority of rounds. Too typing lazy to get into details, so I'll just leave it at my opinion. :)


Yes, there were alot of long fights, but there were some pretty good ones, too. Don't know how many of you saw all the preliminary fights. They were pretty good.


Thats right, it isnt Pride, in which case Forrest would have been slammed onto his head so hard during that triangle choke the fight would have been over. Fortunatly, picking up a fighter and slamming him on the back of the head or top of the spine intentionaly is illegal.

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griffin can take a beating like no other fighter, and he has more heart than any UFC fighter.

that dudes a beast, trains his ass off too.

i think quinton came out expecting to win, he didnt look as good as shape as griffin did, and he didnt have the drive that griffin did

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I give the guy mad props for taking a beating like that and not going down. When he fought Bonner it was pretty evident that he could take a punch but I was really impressed with the QRJ fight. His face showed how hard he was getting hit. When Jackson got him on the ground it was a lot different than when Griffin was on top of him b/c he didn't stay nearly as busy. Even with the guard of Griffin being as good as it was he just wasn't trying to improve his position or pound on him as much. I think that hurt QRJ also. But I agree with th e above assessment that Griffin didn't do enough to take the fight on a unanimous decision like that. It's a great story and all but short of that leg kick he never had QRJ in a position where he was in deep $hit. (imho)


Anderson Silvia would destroy them both. When he gets bored with pounding his weight classes face in he will move up and show the world what hes made of in Roy Jones Jr like fashion. Hes like a sharp shooter with his strikes, the guy is on a whole other level.

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I give the guy mad props for taking a beating like that and not going down. When he fought Bonner it was pretty evident that he could take a punch but I was really impressed with the QRJ fight. His face showed how hard he was getting hit. When Jackson got him on the ground it was a lot different than when Griffin was on top of him b/c he didn't stay nearly as busy. Even with the guard of Griffin being as good as it was he just wasn't trying to improve his position or pound on him as much. I think that hurt QRJ also. But I agree with th e above assessment that Griffin didn't do enough to take the fight on a unanimous decision like that. It's a great story and all but short of that leg kick he never had QRJ in a position where he was in deep $hit. (imho)


Anderson Silvia would destroy them both. When he gets bored with pounding his weight classes face in he will move up and show the world what hes made of in Roy Jones Jr like fashion. Hes like a sharp shooter with his strikes, the guy is on a whole other level.


yes but thats like saying that someone shouldnt win the gold medal in the 100m because they didnt beat the World Record. Bottom line is, Forrest Griffen beat Quinnton Jackson. He's not a suicidal toe to toe striker like Chuck, and he's not an extremely technical ground fighter like Mauricio Rua, even though he did just submit him, and he's not quite as refined and explosive like Wanderlei or Anderson Silva... Forrest is just that one guy who can pound into the ground, and he just keeps on coming after you. At some point, that breaks your spirit and confidence, and for Quinnton Jackson, that happend as soon as Forrest took the first swing.



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