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So my wife is cheating on me...


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Your a blind fucking idiot. do you not read the parts where i'm saying "try to gain custody of the kids" retard


Youre saying try to get custody of the kids, but not to spend a lot of money doing it... yea, real sincere. Your the fucking idiot. You and everyone like you should have thier nuts removed and be forced stare at them while writing out "I should never be allowed to procreate" 500,000 times while someone scratches a fucking chalk board. Stop making this world suck.

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Exxxxxxactly. These posts just reaffirm my decision to NEVER, EVER get married. And sometime in the near future, I plan to get my nuts chopped off. No accidental kids for me, either. :D


A man after my own heart. :D


I had mine taken care of years ago, and will never marry. (Unless she is a millionaire) :p



Don't hesitate :)

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This guy has his head in the right place. Make one of those sweet revenge videos. :cool:


haha I have plenty, but it will be a while before everything is finally. Then maybe we could have a showing. haha


I'm not really that much of a dick. Sorry.

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haha I have plenty, but it will be a while before everything is finally. Then maybe we could have a showing. haha


I'm not really that much of a dick. Sorry.


Not to mention if the court finds out you do something like that Im sure it wouldnt reflect on you too well.


Im really sorry to hear about all of this. I went through a rough breakup a few years back but THANKFULLY we didnt have a kid or were married. Both just makes it so much worse.


But I do have to point out one flaw in your rational. Why are you hating this guy so much? Shouldn't you place blame on your ex-wife? I mean, look at it rationally. Who was the married one? Who was the one who had to do all they lying in order to have the affair? Who's fault is this? Its HERS!!! For all you know she lied to this guy in order to sleep with him or at the very least said she was a single mom or already seperated.


The way I look at it is that a man is a man and if he gets a chance to hit it he'll take it. And if guy A wont for one reason or another then guy B will and so on and so forth. The real difference maker is the type of woman she is. Obviously your ex has already shown what type she is.

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The way I look at it is that a man is a man and if he gets a chance to hit it he'll take it. And if guy A wont for one reason or another then guy B will and so on and so forth. The real difference maker is the type of woman she is. Obviously your ex has already shown what type she is.


qouted for the truth.....it takes 2 to tango. and being a man you should know how hard it is to resist a piece of ass sometimes

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The guy knew she was married.. :|


Nick, you're right.. there is something wrong with you, chill out. You act like you're the only one affected by a divorce. :rolleyes:


My parents divorced when I was about 4 years old and I only saw my mom once a day, every OTHER weekend until I was a teenager.. you don't see me throwing a fit over this? Obviously this is a touchy subject for you.. don't get all riled up and take things personal, this is teh interwebz aferall!

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Nick Boo Hoo, My parents divorced when I was 2 and I saw my father for the first time when I was 14. I see my Dad once a year if I am lucky, he has yet to see his granddaughter in person yet (16 months old). He didn't come to my Wedding, or even send a card.
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But I do have to point out one flaw in your rational. Why are you hating this guy so much? Shouldn't you place blame on your ex-wife? I mean, look at it rationally. Who was the married one? Who was the one who had to do all they lying in order to have the affair? Who's fault is this? Its HERS!!! For all you know she lied to this guy in order to sleep with him or at the very least said she was a single mom or already seperated.


No he knew what he was doing and what he was getting into. He knew she was married and had a kid. He knew he'd go to jail and loose everything.


And to all the people saying nothing will happen. This is a huge offense in the military. They think if you'll cheat someone you'll cheat them. They won't even fight it, he'll just be gone. This same thing happened to my brother's wife's ex-husband.

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Verse from someone who went threw a nasty divorce, I feel for ya man. It's rough the postive is if you've not been married to long she can't get alamony I think its 5 years. Child support is well just that supporting your kids you love and care for.


My suggestion is Don't go into the drinking benge I did and it got me no where good and i am thankful that I never got in a wreck or anything in that phase of my life.

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that sucks man, I know exactly how you feel. I was dating a girl for 5 yrs we lived together and everything was going fine. Shit started happening that shouldn't have I got suspicious and found it all out. The worst part about it is the guy shook my hand and acted like he was my friend when he was around. You'll be find just take care of yours and be on with it no need to keep it going longer then it needs to..... p.s. welcome back to the game.
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Fight for the kids, do what ever it takes. I would not be half the man i am with out my father. I have for the most part stayed out of trouble and drugs, and have worked real hard for anything i have. Fathers are the most underated people on this planet.
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Im sorry to hear that.. girls can be horrible but there are some good ones out there unfortunatly you found the wrong one. Karma is a bitch though so it will come back to her dont you worry. Why do people get married if they are just going to cheat on that person? At least have the decensy to divorce then hook up with someone else. I dont get it thats so wrong :(
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No he knew what he was doing and what he was getting into. He knew she was married and had a kid. He knew he'd go to jail and loose everything.


And to all the people saying nothing will happen. This is a huge offense in the military. They think if you'll cheat someone you'll cheat them. They won't even fight it, he'll just be gone. This same thing happened to my brother's wife's ex-husband.



I will pray that this all ends well for you. Good luck. Let me know if you need anything...

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Youre saying try to get custody of the kids, but not to spend a lot of money doing it... yea, real sincere. Your the fucking idiot. You and everyone like you should have thier nuts removed and be forced stare at them while writing out "I should never be allowed to procreate" 500,000 times while someone scratches a fucking chalk board. Stop making this world suck.


I'll have to disagree on this one too. As a child that went through a divorce (as I'm sure most of us did) my Dad spent a shit load of money trying to get full custody of me because he was pissed and didn't like the way my Mother treated me. I on the other had liked staying with my mom, not because I didn't like/ love my dad, but that's the place I knew best. And at a young age going through a tuff time all I wanted to do was live at the house that made me feel the most comfrotable. Instead my Dad pushed and pushed, he'd call the cops and have them escort me out of my mom's house, he drag me to court. It was bad, real bad... I understand now that he only did it because he wanted what was best, but at the time I hated him for. I think what most people forget durring a divorce is what kind of impact will this have on the kids. Don't just think about yourself and how much you hate your ex. It's screwed up either way, but IMO it's best to try and get split custody and make it as good on the kids as possible. After all, they weren't the ones that fucked up to begin with. And fighting and spending $$$ on lawers to win a prize (you kids) isn't the way to go. Their kids not belongings.

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