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sunburn FTMFL!


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went to marietta today for the "river roar" and watched the boat races. put sunblock on my back/chest/arms/face, but didnt even think to put it on my legs.


im now looking like a lobster from just above my knees to the bottom of my toes. sucks too, caus i wanted to go up to the goodguys show, but right now, i dont think walking at all would be fun.


hopefully its not as bad tomorrow for the shoot fest

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you can pull them off your own back? damn


ive had the g/f peeling my back for the last few days...i got nice shoulder burn last weekend when we had a cookout


feels 100x better once its peeled. going to suck on my legs trying to pull of skin thru hair

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Oh, sweet Jesus....I went to the Goodguys show...I have a pretty good farmer's tan, but the shirt I wore has a looser collar than most of my others. I have two little spots on my trapezius(sp?) that weren't tanned, and the shirt exposed them...now I'm wearing a shirt with a tighter collar, and the damn thing is rubbing on the two little spots of sunburn blisters....


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I got pretty burned on my freaking KNEES from Fun Ford Weekend. Put on sunblock on my legs and what not but for some reason didn't go above my knee. Sat down, stretched out exposing my poor skin and the rest is history... Hurts like hell, my shorts just keep rubbing up against the burn irritating the fuck out of it.
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