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WOOT WOOT...its almost done!


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so you made a thread and you don't want anyone posting in it.... LOL






Maybe you shouldn't make anymore threads on these here MESSAGE boards.



and to think i came in to this thread to offer you COST for parts. last time i do that shit on this hillbilly ass board.

i dont need parts mang....and yes this is a messgae board and no i wouldn't mind if people post in my thread. but i was just giving you shit for hi jacking my thread to talk about where you work blah blah blah. but if you think this board is so fucking hillbilly then you can log your happy ass out right there in the top right corner and never come back.


im sure your new yuppy little 350z fanboys will accept you on one of thier boards ;)

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oh i post on thier boards too, and give them just as much shit, LS1 fanboi.




















































































































































i like hillbillys. :cool:

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congrats on getting the car back, I gotta get mine up soon. oh and this isnot a hillbilly board, its a jackass board.




bump for gay goats!

i havent got it back yet queer.....but when i do that POS saddle bag magnet will be going down :D


and its all good bill...all in good fun man. just in one of those moods i guess, maybe its because i only have 2 beers left? :(

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