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If you know Columbus freeways, you will know that stretch of I-70 East is covered with the ghosts of dead people trying to go North. There used to be accidents all the time, both East and West along that area of I-70. Sort of like the Broad Street ramp on I-71 South, and wanting to go East on I-70. Scary stuff that.

scary is going 315 south to 70 east and exiting on front street.

but for some reason thats legal still...

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^ anything like those people coming off of James southbound and zinging across 33 to get to the 104 exit?

Yeah what the duece? I hate that.

A fukkin skylark (or other random POS) cuts me off everytime i go that way.

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^ anything like those people coming off of James southbound and zinging across 33 to get to the 104 exit?

Dang, I forgot about that one. I live East, and have been through that one many times. I actually think it's fun...

Make a hole! Changing four lanes here! Gang way! Coming through! tyvm

Once you've had practice on that one, it's easy. But it's no doubt very scary for approaching traffic. If you ever see some one hesitate on that entrance, look out. They have to match or exceed the speed of the approaching traffic or it won't work.

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BTW, the national opinion used to be that the Columbus inner belt was the second worst in the country, with Wheeling, West Virginia being the worst. Then that part over by the main post office got re-done. I wonder who is the worse freeway now.

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So couldn't you just say "I'm in the police academy" like you love to point out in all your other posts or are you just trying to find different ways to say the same thing over and over?

Or are you just a rent-a-cop who "technically" isn't in any "actual" police training other than a professed love for donuts?

I can put it anyway you would like as long as your following...

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WTF? How can you "be in the process" of being a cop? :wtf:
Should I get the dictionary out and give the definition of "process"????

Have you heard of the Police Acedemy??? You following me so far???

i say he is in the Police "Acedemy" but i don't think the "Acedemy" uses dictionaries or spell check. Seems to be getting the cop speak down well tho.

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I'm not pissed about getting caught (well not 100% that anyway).

I was using my damn GPS to get out of shitty downtown, so must have missed that sign saying no go on 71 but when i saw a fucking great sign saying 71N this way I followed it. The point I was trying to make is that the cops (cops, judge what the fuck ever) still ended up giving me a fine for more than the 5 time DRUNK driver that hit me while I was at a stop light. I dont give two shits what your opinion is about that, that is fucked up!!!!

And please feel free to quote my post where i say I hope the cops family get hit by a drunk driver, maybe you should get off your soap box & read what I said & not add shit you think I said.

I also dont think I said I did nothing wrong either, please feel free to quote me if i did say that exact thing and again not something that seems to have been implied.

I just thing the cunt in the badge could have gone about the whole thing a little different & not been a complete prick, ticket or no ticket.

If you are a cop or becoming a cop or want to be a cop, dont forget there are a lot of shitty ones that make normal people hate all of them. For the good ones out there, carry on the good work.

I'll be paying the ticket, not disputing it, If i was wrong then I was wrong, shit happens. Just not need to be a prick about it.

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I'm not pissed about getting caught (well not 100% that anyway).

I was using my damn GPS to get out of shitty downtown, so must have missed that sign saying no go on 71 but when i saw a fucking great sign saying 71N this way I followed it. The point I was trying to make is that the cops (cops, judge what the fuck ever) still ended up giving me a fine for more than the 5 time DRUNK driver that hit me while I was at a stop light. I dont give two shits what your opinion is about that, that is fucked up!!!!

And please feel free to quote my post where i say I hope the cops family get hit by a drunk driver, maybe you should get off your soap box & read what I said & not add shit you think I said.

I also dont think I said I did nothing wrong either, please feel free to quote me if i did say that exact thing and again not something that seems to have been implied.

I just thing the cunt in the badge could have gone about the whole thing a little different & not been a complete prick, ticket or no ticket.

If you are a cop or becoming a cop or want to be a cop, dont forget there are a lot of shitty ones that make normal people hate all of them. For the good ones out there, carry on the good work.

I'll be paying the ticket, not disputing it, If i was wrong then I was wrong, shit happens. Just not need to be a prick about it.

You sound a little more than pissed too me... Hate to see when you are really mad.

Ill agree with you on that, there are alot of dick head cops. Wishing their friends and family to be hit by a drunk driver is just wrong.

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I know of cops where I live, that get stone cold drunk every weekend, and drive home drunk every weekend. Their buddy cops don't pull them over, cause they know their car. My friends dad is a cop, that little sticker over the rear license plate helps, every time he takes his car, he speeds and never gets pulled over.

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Cops also have curtesy cards, they look like business cards, that they give to friends and relatives. When a person with a curtesy card gets pulled over he hands the card with his license to cop and most times they get a break as curtesy one cop to another.

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History channel hell, that was in se7en with yummy brad pitt!!!!

Kevin Spacey is one messed up serial killer in that movie.

:rant:Mr. Brett - I'll second you on the bad cops routine. I've been pulled over 2 times for going through a yellow light that turned red after I was completely through the intersection. I've been hit with following to close when I was getting ready to pass a car before (I don't agree with that law, as long as there's no property damage, who is the cop to say my skills couldn't avoid an accident).

Finally, my dad was killed by a drunk driver when I was 6 months old. We lived on SS survivors benefits and we were poor. That drunk got some lame sentence and he's back on the streets and my family just can't get back what he took away. There's countries that when you kill a husband or wife you must fill in for what you took away - work, income, etc., maybe those countries have something right going on.

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I think its awesome that my wife puts on a last chance vest every morning and goes out to do a job and there is still people in the world that hate her for wearing a badge I take that personally and I am not going to say fuck you to my wife but instead you.

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