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Sexism on CR??


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Wait until you work for a "good ole GIRLS club". Then you will understand.


I had a female boss that tried to discipline me for some bullshit that wasn't my fault, when I proved it wasn't and demanded an apology she left and bawled to her superior (another female), (because she felt stupid) for which I was then written up for (her crying). Apparently I made her cry, I should have just taken the write up for something that was not my doing and not argued, I had to go to anger management class on top of the write up afterward. :mad: Fuck women in the work place, I don't care, they always think with emotions and act with them also. Nevermind that I get my work done on time and correct every day. If I look at a woman wrong or I question the judgment of a superior and (I can be 110% right), I am being Insubordinate. I don't have 1 Male superior I can go to, all the way up to the President of the College here at CSCC. :nono:

I feel sorry for you!!!!

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Wait until you work for a "good ole GIRLS club". Then you will understand.


I had a female boss that tried to discipline me for some bullshit that wasn't my fault, when I proved it wasn't and demanded an apology she left and bawled to her superior (another female), (because she felt stupid) for which I was then written up for (her crying). Apparently I made her cry, I should have just taken the write up for something that was not my doing and not argued, I had to go to anger management class on top of the write up afterward. :mad: Fuck women in the work place, I don't care, they always think with emotions and act with them also. Nevermind that I get my work done on time and correct every day. If I look at a woman wrong or I question the judgment of a superior and (I can be 110% right), I am being Insubordinate. I don't have 1 Male superior I can go to, all the way up to the President of the College here at CSCC. :nono:


Glad I got into construction... That sounds like a very frustrating workplace.

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I'm not going to insist my anecdotal evidence is anything to write a book about, but in my work experience I have ran into just as many lousy women as I have men. Workplace anxiety typically comes from one of two things: abuse of power (in the case that the person has subordinates) and poor work ethic (in the case that the person doesn't have subordinates.) I have had a variety of coworkers and superiors who were women and have concluded that aside from the inescapable societal gender roles (women being nurturers, men being providers) there isn't much else that divides us (except for being able to move heavy things or reach the top shelf of the supply closet.) This has applied to both women I worked with and women I worked for, sure some were lousy but they are just as likely to have flawed character as a man is.


I think if you take a look at how our genders differ in society as a whole, you will understand why women don't behave exactly the same as men do. You will further discover that this is an inevitable fact, since we have spent the past thousand years or so carrying this tradition, and it's not likely to stop soon. There will always be lousy people (of either gender) out to ruin your day. It only becomes your problem if you let it.

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I'm not going to insist my anecdotal evidence is anything to write a book about, but in my work experience I have ran into just as many lousy women as I have men. Workplace anxiety typically comes from one of two things: abuse of power (in the case that the person has subordinates) and poor work ethic (in the case that the person doesn't have subordinates.) I have had a variety of coworkers and superiors who were women and have concluded that aside from the inescapable societal gender roles (women being nurturers, men being providers) there isn't much else that divides us (except for being able to move heavy things or reach the top shelf of the supply closet.) This has applied to both women I worked with and women I worked for, sure some were lousy but they are just as likely to have flawed character as a man is.


I think if you take a look at how our genders differ in society as a whole, you will understand why women don't behave exactly the same as men do. You will further discover that this is an inevitable fact, since we have spent the past thousand years or so carrying this tradition, and it's not likely to stop soon. There will always be lousy people (of either gender) out to ruin your day. It only becomes your problem if you let it.

nicely put... thank you! ;)

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I'm not going to insist my anecdotal evidence is anything to write a book about, but in my work experience I have ran into just as many lousy women as I have men. Workplace anxiety typically comes from one of two things: abuse of power (in the case that the person has subordinates) and poor work ethic (in the case that the person doesn't have subordinates.) I have had a variety of coworkers and superiors who were women and have concluded that aside from the inescapable societal gender roles (women being nurturers, men being providers) there isn't much else that divides us (except for being able to move heavy things or reach the top shelf of the supply closet.) This has applied to both women I worked with and women I worked for, sure some were lousy but they are just as likely to have flawed character as a man is.


I think if you take a look at how our genders differ in society as a whole, you will understand why women don't behave exactly the same as men do. You will further discover that this is an inevitable fact, since we have spent the past thousand years or so carrying this tradition, and it's not likely to stop soon. There will always be lousy people (of either gender) out to ruin your day. It only becomes your problem if you let it.


Good advice. I've also found that a little light hearted flirting gets you a long way. Why should women only have that advantage. I won't say this is for everybody because, let's face it, some of you are absolutely no good at this.

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What's the first thing a woman does when she gets back from the battered women's clinic?



The god damned dishes if she knows what's good for her.




A stewardess was on an airplane that was plummeting out of the sky after all engines had failed. She was unmarried and had never had a serious boyfriend. She got up from her seat and struggled down the aisle. Then she shouted, “I’ve never had a man and it looks like we’re all going to die. Is there any man here who can make me feel like a real woman before we crash into the ground.” Just then, a handsome man got up from his seat, and struggling against the g-forces of the spinning plane, walked up to her. He looked deep into her eyes, and took off his shirt. He then handed it to her and said, “Here! Iron this!”

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It doesnst matter if you work with men or women. unless they are paying your check, stfu and just do your job. people take work to heart, when truly they should do their job and stop worrying about who is doing what. go to work, get the job done, go home , and enjoy your life.
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It doesnst matter if you work with men or women. unless they are paying your check, stfu and just do your job. people take work to heart, when truly they should do their job and stop worrying about who is doing what. go to work, get the job done, go home , and enjoy your life.


It's true that a lot of people take work matters too seriously but on the other side of the coin are the people who use that as an excuse to get away with whatever they want since it's "not to be taken seriously".

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I work with all women and it's annoying. When I worked with a lot of guys it was annoying too.


Conclusion: People you work with are annoying, no matter what sex they are.


Well put. I work with about an even mixture of both. There are people I love having around, and people I can't stand. The women I work with don't act any different than the guys.


Maybe its just my field?

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Guest 614Streets
What's the first thing a woman does when she gets back from the battered women's clinic?



The god damned dishes if she knows what's good for her.




A stewardess was on an airplane that was plummeting out of the sky after all engines had failed. She was unmarried and had never had a serious boyfriend. She got up from her seat and struggled down the aisle. Then she shouted, “I’ve never had a man and it looks like we’re all going to die. Is there any man here who can make me feel like a real woman before we crash into the ground.” Just then, a handsome man got up from his seat, and struggling against the g-forces of the spinning plane, walked up to her. He looked deep into her eyes, and took off his shirt. He then handed it to her and said, “Here! Iron this!”


Thanks for the laugh. lol

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Wait until you work for a "good ole GIRLS club". Then you will understand.


I had a female boss that tried to discipline me for some bullshit that wasn't my fault, when I proved it wasn't and demanded an apology she left and bawled to her superior (another female), (because she felt stupid) for which I was then written up for (her crying). Apparently I made her cry, I should have just taken the write up for something that was not my doing and not argued, I had to go to anger management class on top of the write up afterward. :mad: Fuck women in the work place, I don't care, they always think with emotions and act with them also. Nevermind that I get my work done on time and correct every day. If I look at a woman wrong or I question the judgment of a superior and (I can be 110% right), I am being Insubordinate. I don't have 1 Male superior I can go to, all the way up to the President of the College here at CSCC. :nono:


I disagree with the current president. Things started going downhill when my grandpa died (Harold Nestor).

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I work in a place where the age and sex of the employees fluctuates annually, so here's my observations...


When we have:


-mostly younger women working, there's a shitload of drama and general immaturity. On the upside, work gets finished in a quality manner.


-mostly younger guys working, than little work is completed, or there is a "macho" competition vibe going on. On the upside, when work is finished, it's in a timely manner.


-mostly older women working, they're usually on a power trip, enforcing ridiculous rules and making work feel uncomfortable and stressful. I still haven't found an upside.


-mostly older men working, it's usually more laid back but the superiors are clueless how the company really run, on the customer level. I guess that's just how a bureaucracy is, though.


Can never win.

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